Proceed directly to IMS Login and the form if you already have an account and are familiar with our process. Otherwise, please read the following carefully.
The same form is used for both proposals and requests. Indicate clearly which you are submitting. Proposals are to be submitted in response to a call (two deadlines per year, approximately), while requests are submitted before each operating cycle (up to seven times per year).
In general, users should submit PROPOSALS rather than REQUESTS. explanation of the difference
You must register and login to the NCNR Information Management System (IMS) to access the proposal/request form. If you do not already have an account, please create one as soon as possible. Start from the NCNR front page and note the link to NCNR-IMS login. We suggest that you register NOW if you have any intention of submitting a proposal or request. For foreign nationals, a clearance procedure requiring 35 days MUST be completed before you may visit to carry out an experiment. By creating an account and completing the Submit Visitor Registration Form, (under the User Activities tab after IMS login), the clearance process is initiated, so an experiment can be scheduled after the 35 day period, assuming acceptance of your proposal or request.
Select Submit New Proposal/Request under Proposal Management after login. The form is tabbed for your convenience. Links to a help page are provided for each field. Since all mandatory fields (indicated in bold) must be entered before your proposal or request can be saved and previewed, we suggest that you examine the form and prepare your entries offline so that you will not lose your work inadvertently.
The description of your experiment may be uploaded as a short pdf document, which may not be longer than 3 letter-size pages in length, nor more than 1500 kb in file size. The pdf format allows easy inclusion of equations and figures. An alternative is to enter the description of the experiment as plain text. In the latter case, special characters and equations may be included by entering them as html-coded characters. (details) Simple controls allow you to append up to 3 figures.
You must save your proposal and preview it before submission. Press the submit button only once, after all fields are filled to your satisfaction. Within a few minutes, you should receive an acknowledgment email message confirming your submission.
If you have previously submitted a proposal or request, and many fields will remain the same, you may produce a copy of your earlier submission as a starting point. Select My Proposals and Requests under Proposal Management. PLEASE push the copy button only ONCE, because a new data set will be produced each time you make a copy.
A proposal or request data record can be edited for a few days or until the proposal deadline has passed, and reviewers assigned. Start from My Proposals and Requests under Proposal Management. Make sure you select the Edit button, not the Copy button!
The proposal form may be used to apply for beam time on the following instruments: