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Future of Fire Research Information Workshop 2010

A broad diversity of organizations are actively engaged in reducing the societal impact of fire, including researchers, engineers, industry, academics, codes and standards developing organizations, and the fire service. New technologies are expanding opportunities to both access and share fire information, which may be beyond the reach of traditional sources. Therefore, it is important to engage a representative group of stakeholders in a dialogue to explore how to maximize the information resources across the greater fire community.

The objectives of the meeting are to:

  • propose and discuss a vision for a community-based fire information resource,
  • discuss sources and contributors of information,
  • secure commitment from participants to contribute, and
  • identify possible technical and non-technical barriers to success and how they could be addressed

Time Action Item Leader
9:00 am Welcome
Overview, Objectives
9:15 am Self-Introductions, InFire All
9:30 am Overview of NIST Digital Preservation Commitment Romine
9:45 am Overview of NIST Current and Future FRIS Averill
10:00 am University of Maryland Digital Library Hammer
10:30 am Break N/A
10:50 am
Kent State Materials Digital Library Bartolo
11:20 am ATF Fire Data Collection System Sheppard
11:40 am Evacuation Data Collection Gwynne
Noon Lunch N/A
1:00 pm FABERC Notorianni
1:15 pm Discussion Value, Buy-In and Scope Beyler
1:30 pm Business Plan and Participation Discussion Moderated
3:00 pm Break N/A
3:20 pm Implementation Discussion Moderated
4:30 pm Summary and Action Items Averill
5:00 pm Adjourn N/A
Created May 7, 2010, Updated September 21, 2016