Advanced communications -Open Radio Access Network (Open-RAN) -Quantum communications -Spectrum sharing -Wireless (RF) Bioscience -Bioeconomy --Biological data -Bioimaging -Bioinformatics -Biomanufacturing -Biomaterials -Biometrology -Biosecurity --Biosurveillance --Genomic cybersecurity --Nucleic acid sequence screening -Cell measurements -Engineering / synthetic biology --Biofabrication --Cell-free systems --Genome engineering --Protein engineering -Gene delivery systems -Genome editing -Genomics -Glycomics -Metabolomics -Microbial measurements -Proteomics -Transcriptomics Buildings and Construction -Building codes and standards -Building control systems -Building damage and repair -Building economics -Building materials -Energy efficiency -Heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment -Indoor air quality -Structural engineering -Thermal comfort Chemistry -Analytical chemistry -Chemical engineering and processing -Chemical thermodynamics and chemical properties -Molecular characterization -Theoretical chemistry and modeling -Thermochemical properties Electronics -Electromagnetics -Flexible electronics -Magnetoelectronics -Optoelectronics -Organic electronics -Semiconductors -Sensors -Superconducting electronics Energy -Alternative energy -Conventional energy -Electric power / smart grid -Fuels Environment -Air / water / soil quality -Climate Measurements -Environmental health -Greenhouse gas measurements -Marine science -Sustainability Fire -Fire detection -Fire dynamics and science -Fire fighting -Fire modeling -Fire risk reduction -Materials flammability -Structural fire resistance -Wildland urban interface fire Forensic Science -Digital evidence -Drugs and toxicology -Firearms and toolmarks -Forensic biometrics -Forensic genetics -Trace evidence Health -Biopharmaceuticals -Cell and gene therapy -Clinical diagnostics --Cancer --Medical imaging -Food and nutrition -Human microbiome -Precision medicine -Regenerative medicine and advanced therapy --Flow cytometry Information technology -Artificial intelligence --AI measurement and evaluation --Applied AI --Fundamental AI --Hardware for AI --Machine learning --Trustworthy and responsible AI -Biometrics -Cloud computing and virtualization -Complex systems -Computational science -Conformance testing -Cyber-physical systems --Smart cities -Cybersecurity --Cryptography --Cybersecurity education and workforce development --Cybersecurity measurement --Identity and access management --Privacy engineering --Risk management --Securing emerging technologies --Trustworthy networks --Trustworthy platforms -Data and informatics --Human language technology --Information retrieval --Natural language processing -Federal information processing standards (FIPS) -Health IT -Internet of Things (IoT) -Interoperability testing -Location based services -Mobile -Networking --Mobile and wireless networking --Network management and monitoring --Network modeling and analysis --Network security and robustness --Network test and measurement --Next generation networks --Protocol design and standardization --Software defined and virtual networks -Privacy -Software research --Software testing -Usability and human factors --Accessibility -Video analytics -Virtual / augmented reality -Visualization research -Voting systems Infrastructure Manufacturing -Additive manufacturing -Factory communications -Factory operations planning and control -Interoperability in manufacturing -Machining -Manufacturing economics -Manufacturing quality assurance -Manufacturing systems design and analysis -Monitoring, diagnostics and prognostics -Process improvement -Process measurement and control -Product data -Robotics in manufacturing --Agility and adaptability --Collaborative robots --Dexterous grasping --Manipulation --Mobility and industrial autonomous vehicles --Navigation / actuation / control --Sensing and perception -Supply chain -Sustainable manufacturing -Systems engineering -Systems integration -Technology commercialization Materials -Ceramics -Composites -Concrete / cement -Materials characterization --Composition and structure --Mechanical properties --Thermal properties -Metals -Modeling and computational material science -Polymers -Superconductors Mathematics and statistics -Experiment design -Image and signal processing -Modeling and simulation research -Numerical methods and software -Statistical analysis -Uncertainty quantification Metrology -Amount of substance -Dimensional metrology -Electrical / electromagnetic metrology -Flow metrology and rheology -Force metrology -Humidity metrology -Ionizing radiation metrology -Mass metrology -Metric -Optical / photometry / laser metrology -Pressure and vacuum metrology -Thermometry metrology -Time and frequency metrology -Weights and measures Nanotechnology -Nanobiotechnology -Nanochemistry -Nanoelectronics -Nanofabrication / manufacturing --Lithography --Self-assembly -Nanofluidics -Nanomagnetics -Nanomaterials -Nanomechanics -Nanometrology -Nanophotonics -Nanophysics -Nanoplasmonics Neutron research Performance excellence -Assessment tools and services -Baldrige award -Baldrige examiners -Baldrige Framework and Criteria -Best practices -Leadership development Physics -Atomic / molecular / quantum -Biological physics -Condensed matter -Electron physics -Magnetics -Nuclear physics -Optical physics and communications -Quantum information science -Radiation -Spectroscopy -Thermodynamics -Time and frequency Public safety -Chemical / Biological / Radiological / Nuclear / Explosives (CBRNE) -First responder preparedness -Law enforcement -Public safety communications research -Response robots Resilience -Community resilience --Recovery --Resilience metrics -Disaster and failure studies -Earthquake risk reduction -Resilience economics -Resilient materials -Windstorm impact reduction Standards -Accreditation -Calibration services -Conformity assessment -Documentary standards -Frameworks -Quality assurance -Reference data -Reference instruments -Reference materials -Standards education Technology transfer Transportation -Aerospace -Automotive