National Metric Week (October 8 to 14, 2023) is an opportunity to underscore the usefulness of metric system measurements, formally known as the International System of Units (SI). Metric Week was originated in 1977 by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). Now led by the Office of Weights and Measures (OWM) Metric Program and the U.S. Metric Association (USMA), Metric Week is celebrated in classrooms around the country. Metric system skills open doors to many opportunities in an interconnected world. Take it from the Measurement League of SI Superheroes - Learning the SI is like gaining a superpower – the power of 10! For students interested in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM), the metric system is a “must know.” Learn the SI to elevate every day with these practical life hacks:
Gardening – Measure plant spacing, garden plot area, rainfall calculations, and watering with metric units.
The NIST OWM Metric Program and the US Metric Association collaborate annually to promote Metric Week and distribute website based and hardcopy classroom resources for K-12 public, private, and homeschool educators and informal education outreach ambassadors. A 2023 Metric Week Governor Proclamation (PDF) may be available for your state to commemorate Metric Week in the classroom and raise awareness of metric system benefits. Twenty-seven 2023 proclamation requests were submitted this year, so check back to download available documents.
The US Metric Association has recognized the state of South Carolina (SC) and volunteer Dr. Don Jordan for achieving the 40th consecutive metric week Governor Proclamation through collaboration with the SC Department of Education, SC Academy of Science, and University of SC Center for Science Education.
NIST SI educational resources are ideal to share with your community, including at local elementary, middle, high schools, and universities. Contact the Office of Weights and Measures Metric Program at TheSI [at] (TheSI[at]nist[dot]gov) to request a SI Teacher Kit packet. Include your name, event (2023 Metric Week), phone number, and U.S. mailing address.
Although we use the SI everyday, STEM-themed holidays are fun occasions to highlight real-world SI measurement applications and provide students with additional opportunities understand the impact measurements have on society. In addition to National Metric Week, build connections with measurements through the year on Mole Day (23 October), Weights and Measures Week (1 to 7 March), and World Metrology Day (20 May).