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Computational science

Theorists have always developed mathematical models to attempt to gain insight into how physical systems operate. However, rapid advances in computational capabilities over the last several decades have enabled the creation of high-fidelity simulation software based on those models, which are then exercised as a proxy for learning about the real world. This new approach, which serves as a complement to pure theory and experiment, has come to be known as computational science.

Effective computational science research requires expertise in mathematical modeling, numerical analysis, software engineering, high-performance computing, and statistics, as well as a deep understanding of the technical application area under study. As a result, it is a deeply interdisciplinary endeavor, requiring the combined efforts of computer scientists, mathematicians, statisticians, and application scientists.

At NIST, computational scientists work to predict properties of atomic, chemical, biological, and material systems from first principles, as well as for engineered systems, such as buildings and communication networks. Others use computation to study how fires and their contaminants spread within buildings and at the wildland-urban interface. NIST mathematicians work to develop more efficient and accurate numerical methods that enable higher fidelity simulations, computer scientists develop techniques and tools to map such computations onto modern parallel and distributed computing systems, and to visualize the often complex data that emerges. More mature research efforts can result in the distribution of well-engineered software enabling members of the broader scientific community to perform simulation studies of their own.


2016 AAAS Fellow - Ron Boisvert

Ron Boisvert is recognized for his distinguished contributions to the fields of mathematical software and computational science, excellence

Projects and Programs

Temporal Computing

In standard integrated circuits, information that is coded as ones and zeros is implemented by voltages on wires being high or low. The circuits consume energy during transitions between these voltages. Binary numbers have a voltage per bit so there are a lot of transitions each time a number

Spintronics for Neuromorphic Computing

Magnetic tunnel junctions (see Fig. 1) consist of two thin films of ferromagnetic material separated by a few atomic layers of an insulating material. The insulator is so thin that electrons can tunnel quantum mechanically through it. The rate at which the electrons tunnel is affected by the

Combinatorial Testing

For more information regarding the Combinatorial Testing, please visit the Computer Security Resource Center (CSRC)..

Software and Data Carpentry

Software and Data Carpentry workshops conduced at NIST are designed to teach basic computing and data skills that enable NIST researchers to get more done in less time, while also making it easier to automate and document research workflows. These skills can allow for more rapid and reliable

News and Updates

Anyone for Anyons?

Researchers have demonstrated that a strange type of quantum particle called the anyon, believed to exist in only two dimensions, can also be created in one

Partially Unraveling an Entangled Mystery

Entanglement—a uniquely quantum phenomenon that intimately links the fate of subatomic particles even if they reside on opposite sides of the galaxy—is a key


Resilience-Runtime Tradeoff Relations for Quantum Algorithms

Luis Pedro Garcia-Pintos, Tom O'Leary, Tanmoy Biswas, Jacob Bringewatt, Lukasz Cincio, Lucas Brady, Yi-Kai Liu
A leading approach to algorithm design aims to minimize the number of operations in an algorithm's compilation. One intuitively expects that reducing the number

Phase Transitions in Random Circuit Sampling

Sergio Boixo, Rene Peralta
Undesired coupling to the surrounding environment destroys long-range correlations on quantum processors and hinders the coherent evolution in the nominally

Mathematical Entities: Corpora and Benchmarks

Jacob Collard, Valeria de Paiva, Eswaran Subrahmanian
Mathematics is a highly specialized domain with its own unique set of challenges. Despite this, there has been relatively little research on natural language


Network Modeling Software

This software is a set of NetworkX additions for the creation of graphs to model networks. Graphicality Testing -- This is a set of routines for testing if a