Our group has been evaluating, curating, and sharing data in the thermophysical property community for the past 75 years.
We maintain a great number of periodical compilations and electronic databases that have become source data for scientific research and industrial process design. Our databases have covered thermophysical and some transport properties of organic systems. Recently we have begun working with the Materials Genome Initiative to expand our databases and data curation systems to metallic systems in an effort to facilitate industrial modelling and alloy development cycles. We provide critically evaluated, structured data--including well defined compositions and uncertainties for experimental data--for pure compounds, binary mixtures, ternary mixtures, and chemical reactions through our variety of dynamic databases. Our work integrates with the Fluids Characterization Group--which produces high quality experimental measurements over a wide range of temperatures, pressures, and compositions-- and Thermophysical Properties of Fluids Group--which develops thermodynamic and transport property models for fluid properties at NIST.
The Thermodynamics Research Center performs several functions related to providing state-of-the-art thermodynamic data::
maintains a web-repository of published data in ThermoML — an XML format developed by TRC for the representation of thermodynamic data.
Visit our staff page or see the History of TRC or see the Past TRC directors pages.