Joseph Fowler is an experimental physicist in the Quantum Sensors Group at the NIST Boulder Laboratories. He joined NIST after a period working with arrays of superconducting microwave-frequency detectors in the Atacama Cosmology Telescope. His research focuses on the use of superconducting x-ray and gamma-ray sensors with very high energy resolution. He specializes in data analysis and scientific computing, including the complex software required to operate arrays of high-speed sensors and the analytic tools required for extraction of accurate energy values from them. He is involved in projects to make world-leading metrological measurements of x-ray emission and absorption processes; 3-dimensional x-ray computed tomography of objects at 100 nm spatial resolution; and many other measurements with superconducting sensors at NIST, x-ray synchrotrons, and radio-isotope analysis labs. He has written or co-authored over 200 publications in spectroscopy, observational cosmology, statistical analysis, and cosmic-ray measurements. He has contributed to work by NIST teammates that has won NIST Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medals.