NIST has several research projects underway to support efforts to address the COVID-19 pandemic. Below is an overview of those projects.
Biological Measurements (cont.)
NIST researchers are using all-atom molecular dynamics simulations to model RNA viruses and predict their shapes and movements to gain a better understanding of how to design drugs to treat them. Read more in this blog post.
Read this news article about NIST progress in developing a method, called encounter metrics, that can measure the number of encounters and level of interactions between people. By incorporating the method to smartphones and Bluetooth devices, and applying encryption to the technique, encounter metrics can prevent the spread of future pandemics while preserving the privacy of individuals.
In this news article, learn about how NIST is developing a low-cost radio system for contact tracing; it detects when people or animals come into close contact with each other while preserving privacy.
**NEW** NIST engineers have developed a simple interactive webtool to help residents learn how ventilation and filtration could lower their exposure to potentially infectious aerosols in their home. Read the news release.