The following SDO-published standards are being considered for the OSAC Registry.
The following OSAC Proposed Standard is being considered for considered for submission to an SDO. The final draft provided to the SDO will be available on the OSAC Registry as an “OSAC Proposed Standard.” OSAC welcomes comments on whether the current draft is suitable for release to the SDO and suggestions for improvements in content and wording. To be considered, comments must be placed in the OSAC Comment Form and sent to comments [at] (comments[at]nist[dot]gov) by 11:59 p.m. ET on March 31, 2025.
Visit the Registry Approval Process webpage for more information about the Registry approval processes for SDO-published and OSAC Proposed Standards1.
The following Academy Standards Board (ASB) documents are open for public comment. To provide comments, download the comment template and return it to asb [at] (asb[at]aafs[dot]org) by the deadline.
*Comments on a re-circulation will only be accepted on revised sections of a document, comments made to text not revised from the previous public comment period will not be accepted.
The following ASTM standards are currently open for public comment through ANSI. To obtain an electronic copy of the document, email accreditation [at] (accreditation[at]astm[dot]org). To provide comments, download the comment template and return it to accreditation [at] (accreditation[at]astm[dot]org) (copy psa [at] (psa[at]ansi[dot]org)) by April 21, 2025.
1In January 2022, OSAC’S Forensic Science Standards Board (FSSB) approved that the requirement for an OSAC-managed comment period for Registry approval of SDO-published standards can be met during the SDO's public comment period. The public will have an opportunity to comment on a standard during its development through the SDO's public comment period. This change allows comments to be submitted during the SDO development process, prior to publication, enabling upgrades to be directly incorporated into the standard rather than receiving the comments after the standard is published. In cases where OSAC can document the SDO's public comment opportunity, OSAC will not execute a second public comment period during its Registry approval process. See the "Standards Open for Comment at SDOs" section above for the standards currently open for comment at SDOs.