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Sept 18, 2020 Webinar: Community Resilience and the Role of Federal Support

Dr. Therese McAllister of NIST's Community Resilience Program will be presenting on Community Resilience and the Role of Federal Support in Florida International University's Preeminent Institute for Resilient and Sustainable Coastal Infrastructure (InteRaCt) webinar series.

Date & Time: Fri, Sept 18, 2020, 1-2pm EDT
Register here: is external)

Community Resilience and the Role of Federal Support

September 18, 2020
1:00 PM
Eastern Standard Time (EDT)


Click to Register(link is external)

Announcements: This portion of the webinar will provide you with the latest happenings related to InteRaCt in the US and abroad to keep you informed. (10 minutes)

Featured Presentation: Community Resilience and the Role of Federal Support (35 minutes)

Description: Communities, both large and small, are embracing the need to prepare for future hazard events and ongoing stressors through resilience planning, which addresses the ability of a community to recover its services and functions within a specified timeframe, so that the effects of severe disruptions are averted or minimized.

The definition of resilience used by NIST and other federal agencies—“the ability to prepare for and adapt to changing conditions and withstand and recover rapidly from disruptions”—is based on two Presidential Policy Directives (PPD-8 and PPD-21) that emphasized national preparedness and protection. However, resilience has evolved to include mitigation, response, and recovery concepts as well as sustainability and adaptation. 

There are a number of federal programs that support community resilience before and after hazard events for physical, social, and economic systems.  An overview of support offered to communities by current federal programs will be provided, including the new DHS/FEMA BRIC program.

Presentation Photos/Graphics:




Created September 11, 2020