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May 2023 NICE Community Coordinating Council Monthly Meeting Recap

#ICYMI - Monthly Meeting Recap

Credit: NICE

Join us on June 28th at 3:30pm ET for the next NICE Community Coordinating Council meeting. 

In case you missed last month's meeting, the minutes from the May 24, 2023, NICE Community Coordinating Council meeting have been published. The meeting included speakers from Fortinet, the Tennessee Department of Education, SANS, the National CyberWatch Center, New America, and more!

Take a look at some key highlights from our meeting:

Standing Items

Report Roundup
Melonia Da Gama from Fortinet shared a presentation on the 2023 Cybersecurity Skills Gap Global Research Report(link is external). The report helps drill down into what kinds of organizations are looking for talent and who is going into cybersecurity.

Strategy Stories
Emma McCallie from the Tennessee Department of Education presented on Teacher Occupation Apprenticeships as part of the "Grown Your Own" (GYO) program in Tennessee. The January 2023 cohort of GYO includes over 200 teacher apprentices. 

Max Shuftan from SANS and Kyle Jones from Sinclair Community College shared information on the JumpStart into Cyber Summer Program(link is external), a two-step program that allows students to explore their interest in going into cybersecurity as a career.

Framework Feature
Laurin Buchanan from the National CyberWatch Center discussed the upcoming Cybersecurity Skills Journal special issue on the NICE Framework(link is external). The Journal is seeking to learn about examples of the usefulness, benefits, and challenges associated with the adoption, adaptation, or extension of the NICE Framework. 

Research Review
Cynthia Sutherland from Amazon provided a briefing on the Cybersecurity Content Convergence (C3) Framework: Integration of Cybersecurity Content into Non-technical Curriculum. The C3 Framework is a product of research to identify gaps in curriculum development and instructional design practices for integrating cybersecurity into curriculum. 

Working Group and Community of Interest Updates

Project Updates
The Promote Career Discovery Working Group has started brainstorming project ideas to support NICE Strategic Plan objective 1.4 to provide information and tools about cybersecurity-related career options to those who influence career choices. 

The Transform Learning Process Working Group and K12 Cybersecurity Education Community of Interest held a joint meeting in the month of May to brainstorm creative approaches to help increase the number of
teachers and faculty in cybersecurity. The groups will soon start a project team to support this effort.

The Modernize Talent Management Working Group has held workshops with hiring managers to develop ‘Guidance on Writing Effective Job Descriptions’. A draft of the Guide is available for comments. 

The Apprenticeships in Cybersecurity Community of Interest is beginning a new project on 'Surveying Industry on Cybersecurity Occupations and Current Programs for Registered Apprenticeships'.

Past Meeting Presentations

  • Presentation on Cyber Competency Health and Maturity
    Progression Cyber Workforce Assessment (CyberCHAMP), a model that uses the NICE Framework to help organizations pinpoint where improve their cybersecurity program. 
  • Presentation on the Collegiate Penetration Testing Competition(link is external) (CPTC).

Learn how to join a Working Group or Community of Interest

Project Progress Reports

The NICE Conference & Expo(link is external) took place June 5-7 in Seattle, WA. Recorded conference plenary sessions will be shared on the conference website soon! 

The NICE K12 Cybersecurity Education Conference(link is external) is accepting proposals for speakers as well as nominations for students to participate in Cyber Signing Day. 

The US Cyber Games(link is external) has officially kicked off Season III. A recording of the kick off event(link is external) is available online. 

Featured Topic

Recruiting and Training Educators through Apprenticeship Programs
Taylor White from New America provided an overview of traditional apprenticeship and teacher preparation models in the U.S. As of March of 2023, there are 16 states with Registered Teacher Apprenticeships through the U.S. Department of  Labor.

Learn More

Join our next meeting on June 28, 2023

The NICE Community Coordinating Council meets monthly to engage with public and private sector participants on cybersecurity education, training, and workforce development topics. 

Additionally, the NICE Community Coordinating Council is comprised of three Working Groups and four Communities of Interest, each with their own meeting cadence.

Learn More

Released June 14, 2023, Updated February 3, 2025