This Community of Interest is a forum for K12 teachers, school administrators, local and state education agencies, non-profit organizations, federal agencies, institutions of higher education, and others who are interested in sharing and learning how to promote students pursuing cybersecurity careers through learning experiences, exposure to career opportunities, and teacher professional development. The K12 Cybersecurity Education Community of Interest charter is available here.
Lemi-Ola Erinkitola
Founder and Chief Executive Officer
The Critical Thinking Child LLC
Kristi Rice
Spotsylvania High School
Willie Henderson
Cybersecurity Outreach Specialist
Jake Goodwin
Junior Student
Spotsylvania High School
NICE Program Office staff liaison: Davina Pruitt-Mentle, NICE Lead for Academic Engagement
Members of this Community of Interest are part of the broader NICE Community Coordinating Council and will be added to it automatically. Google Groups is used for this group as a resource for communication.
nicek12education+subscribe [at] (Send an Email to Join )
nicek12education [at] (Share) your questions, opportunities, and leading practices with the community! If you have ideas or just want to get to know others interested in K12 cybersecurity education, this is the place for you.
This group meets the second week of every month at 3:30pm ET on Thursdays. All meetings are held via Microsoft Teams unless otherwise indicated.