Multi-physics and data-driven models are necessary to simulate, study, and optimize metal additive manufacturing (AM) processes, such as powder bed fusion (PBF) and directed energy deposition (DED). Before these models can be used to design manufacturing processes or qualify parts for medical and aerospace applications, they must first be validated. In fact, the ANSI Additive Manufacturing Standardization Collaborative (AMSC) specifically identified AM model verification and validation as a key gap (Gap D9) in the Standardization Roadmap for Additive Manufacturing (2023), and the NASA Vision 2040: A Roadmap for Integrated, Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Materials and Systems specifically mentioned the need for “gold standard” reference datasets for this purpose. Unfortunately, for many with the capability and expertise to model metal AM process, the expense and complexity of empirical studies to validate their models is prohibitive. In these and other roadmap reports on the state-of-art, NIST is specifically called upon to provide such AM model validation data. This project, along with a large number of collaborators across NIST and outside research organization, aims to provide such trusted measurement data for the purpose of AM model validation, primarily disseminated through the Additive Manufacturing Benchmark Test Series (AM-Bench). This project will design and perform various measurements on metal AM processes and parts, disseminate the data through datasets, publications, and AM-Bench conference series, and work directly with AM modelers to explore the best approaches for deriving quantitative, comparable metrics from both measurement and model results, and to provide the statistical framework for validating these complex and multivariate data.
To create and openly disseminate measurement datasets, using carefully calibrated, characterized, and newly developed measurement techniques designed for the development and validation of physics-based and data-driven computational AM models and simulations.
Technical Idea
The project will meet the needs for advancing AM model development and validation put forth by the AM modeling and simulation stakeholders and outlined in roadmaps by providing the following:
Publicly accessible measurement datasets to validate the following types of AM process models. These measurements, and the experiments that incorporate them, will be coordinated among the various NIST AM project teams to ensure their utility to meet multiple project and program objectives:
Metrology and measurement analysis techniques to populate and interpret the datasets listed above:
Methods for quantitative and statistical comparison between measurement and modeling data, and how that comparison affects real-world engineering decisions:
Research Plan
The Metrology for Multi-Physics Model Validation Project has three primary activities to meet the requirements set forth by the AMSC and NASA reports. The first activity is to provide reference data to validate models of metal AM processes. This will be accomplished in-part through the Additive Manufacturing Benchmark Test Series (AM-Bench). AM Bench allows modelers to test their simulations against rigorous, highly controlled AM benchmark test data, which is generated at NIST. This data includes in-situ temperature and cooling rate measurements during the PBF process and post-process distortion, stress, and microstructure characterization. In addition to the AM Bench, reference data (thermal history, stress, distortion, microstructure) will be generated from highly controlled fabrication tests of varying complexity: from single weld beads up to parts with complex, freeform geometry, and from high-purity metals to variable-composition high entropy alloys.
The second activity is to develop the metrology, analysis techniques, and standard guidelines necessary to measure various physical phenomena key to the AM fabrication quality and required to develop models that can predict the quality. NIST has developed several world class and unique AM metrology testbeds that will be used to develop these methods. These include NIST Additive Manufacturing Metrology Testbed (AMMT) will be used to conduct 3D builds with uniquely tailored laser-scan control and high-speed, in-situ thermographic and surface topographic measurements throughout the build. The Fundamentals of Laser-Material Interaction (FLaMI) testbed (activity leader: Dr. David Deisenroth) provides focused study of laser-induced melt pool physics, using a flexible array of unique measurements such as dynamic, absolute calibrated, and directionally-resolved laser reflectometry, high-magnification, high-speed, multi-wavelength thermography, or illuminated high-speed imaging. Finally, the laser-processing and diffraction testbed (LPDT, Activity Leader: Dr. Ho Yeung), will provide synchrotron-based x-ray diffraction (XRD) and imaging data to study dynamic phase evolution of alloys during laser processing. The powder spreading testbed (PST, Activity Leader: Dr. Vipin Tondare) will provide high-resolution mapping of powder flow dynamics and spreading behavior.
The third activity focuses on progressing the mechanisms by which AM modeling or simulation data is used and accepted as part of the qualification and certification framework. Currently, AM models are calibrated or validated against a diverse array of measurement types, and the statistical (or sometimes heuristic) approaches used in comparing measurement to model outputs is similarly diverse. This project will explore and develop the important data features or metrics extractable from both models and measurements and provide the statistical analysis framework for calibrating or validating AM multiphysics models with complex measurement data, considering the uncertainty in both. Since NIST are primarily metrology experts, this will be done by close collaboration with the AM modelling research community. As certain benchmark measurements and the AM model types advance in their accuracy, utility, and acceptance, this project will help draft and/or advance the development of standards to more effectively disseminate these methods and propel the acceptance of AM modeling data in AM qualification and certification.
Major Accomplishments
Publications, presentations, and datasets for this project are primarily disseminated through AM-Bench challenges. In particular, readers are encouraged to review the AM Bench Data and Challenge Problems page.