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FCSC Working Group 1

ERF-Based Instrument Calibration and Standardization

Working Group 1 (WG1) is developing standards including reference materials, reference data, and reference methods for the calibration of flow cytometers and the standardization of flow cytometry data.  Activities in progress include:

  1. A measurement service available to Consortium members for assigning the Equivalent Number of Reference Fluorophores (ERF) to calibration microspheres along with associated uncertainties  This service supports the ultimate goal to establish an absolute fluorescence intensity scale that is instrument independent.
  2. An interlaboratory study for cross-calibration with four different ERF bead sets for ERF assignment of unknowns  Data submission is complete with contributions from 17 Consortium members across 22 sites and 47 different instrument platforms including imaging, spectral, and conventional flow cytometers.  The goals of the study are:
    • Determine the variability in instrument calibration across bead sets and instrument types.
    • Compare different approaches to calibration data analysis.

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Working Group 1 Technical Lead

Consortium Principal Investigator

Created November 29, 2024, Updated March 10, 2025