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Mobile Device Security Technical Exchange Meeting

The technological advances embodied in today's Smart Phones have introduced significant changes and challenges to the way we communicate and conduct our everyday lives. Commercial Smart Phones have become a "must-have" electronic gadget for people of all ages, but also an indispensable tool for enterprise operations. These Smart Phones are replacing the need for laptops and desktops with processor speeds surpassing 1GHz, storage capacity exceeding 32GB, support for numerous cellular and wireless networking technologies, and countless applications available for instant download. In order to capitalize on the advancements, significant obstacles need to be overcome to mitigate the new risks presented by the use of COTS Smart Phones. These new risks must be well-understood and mitigated by a combination of operational, management and technical controls before a mobile workforce can take full advantage of these new capabilities. Organizing a government effort to tackle these challenges, WHCA and NIST are hosting the third Technical Exchange Meeting (TEM) on Mobile Device Security on January, 24th, 2012 in the Green Auditorium on the NIST campus in Gaithersburg, MD (URL: ). The objective of the TEM is to share lessons learned from pilot Smart Phone deployments, foster collaboration among government agencies, address interoperability issues, avoid duplication of effort, and provide a forum for the exchange of technical information. Speakers will be presenting 20 minute talks on solutions they are working on and will discuss open problems and technology gaps that need to be addressed by industry and government agencies. The TEM is open to government agencies and contractors in direct support of an agency's mobility efforts.


NIST Computer Security Division (ITL)
and the
White House Communications Agency (WHCA)

Created January 12, 2012, Updated September 21, 2016