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Monthly Highlight for 12_02_10

December 2010 Highlight
EL's Participation Key to National SmartGrid Effort

Evan Wallace of the Engineering Laboratory developed a proposal for his role in the standardization of a Facility Smart Grid Information (SPC 201) by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE).  This was incorporated as goal 3 of the EL Manufacturing Smart Grid Project proposal for 2011 and 2012.  (Proposed funding from his involvement is $150K for FY2011 (standard expected to be complete before FY12).)

In collaboration with Ed Barkmeyer, Fabian Neuhaus, and Al Jones, Wallace developed a proposal for semantic mediation and testing for Smart Grid, making use of the infrastructure and tools researched and developed in the semantic testing project under EL's Supply Chain Integration Program, and earlier MSID semantic integration projects.  This work was incorporated into the EL Smart Grid Proposal for 2011 and 2012 as a redesign of goal 2: "CIM for Distribution Management" for 2011 and 2012. (Proposed funding for this goal is $250K for each of FY2011 and FY2012 for Wallace's contributions.  Wallace also developed a more detailed project plan to use to guide and track our progress on this work.)

POC: van Wallace, 301-975-3520
Program: Special Skills Project/Smart Grid
Category: Accomplishment

Created January 14, 2011, Updated September 21, 2016