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Dean DeLongchamp (Fed)


I lead the Polymer Processing Group, which develops measurement methods, data, standards, and science for the processing and manufacturing of materials into functional forms that include thin films, nanostructures, and shaped bulk solids. We provide expertise in in situ processing measurements, structure and order evolution, nanofabrication, polymer phase behavior, and polymer dynamics needed to improve the performance of materials in application areas such as energy and electronics.

My work also includes a specialization in soft X-ray spectroscopy and scattering, which are powerful synchrotron-based tools that measures the composition and molecular orientation of organic systems.

Research Opportunities

National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship(link is external) – Open to U.S. citizens. Please contact me if you're interested in applying! 



  • NIST Postdoctoral and Early-career Association of Researchers (PEAR) Advisor Accolade (2022)
  • Arthur S. Flemming Award (2015)
  • National Academies of Engineering Indo-US Frontiers (2012)
  • National Academies of Science Kavli Fellow (2010)
  • NIST William P. Slichter Award (2010)
  • Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) (2009)
  • NIST Bronze Medal Award (2008)
  • Sigma Xi young Investigator Award (2008
  • NRC/NIST Postdoctoral Fellow Appointment (2003)
  • NSF/KOSEF Korea Summer Institute Award (2002)
  • MRS Graduate Student Award (2002)
  • National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship Appointment (1998)


Quantitative relationships between film morphology, charge carrier dynamics, and photovoltaic performance in bulk-heterojunction binary vs. ternary acceptor blends

Weigang Zhu, Guoping Li, Subhrangsu Mukherjee, Natalia Powers-Riggs, Leighton Jones, Eliot Gann, R Joseph Kline, Andrew Herzing, Jenna Logsdon, Lucas Flagg, Charlotte Stern, Ryan Young, Kevin Kohlstedt, George Schatz, Dean DeLongchamp, Michael Wasielewski, Ferdinand Melkonyan, Antonio Facchetti, Tobin Marks
Addressing pertinent and perplexing questions regarding why nonfullerene acceptors (NFAs) promote higher power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) than traditional

Non-fullerene acceptors with direct and indirect hexa-fluorination afford >17% efficiency in polymer solar cells

Subhrangsu Mukherjee, Guoping Li, Liang-Wen Feng, Leighton Jones, Robert Jacobberger, Wei Huang, Ryan Young, Robert Pankow, Weigang Zhu, Norman Lu, Kevin Kohlstedt, Vinod Sangwan, Michael Wasielewski, Mark Hersam, George Schatz, Dean DeLongchamp, Antonio Facchetti, Tobin Marks
The rational molecular design of non-fullerene acceptors (NFAs) in organic solar cells (OSCs) can profoundly influence the photovoltaic (OPV) performance. To

Orientation of Thin Polyamide Layer-by-Layer Films on Non-Porous Substrates

Tawanda J. Zimudzi, Sarah E. Sheffield, Kathleen E. Feldman, Peter Beaucage, Dean DeLongchamp, Douglas I. Kushner, Christopher Stafford, Michael A. Hickner
The orientation of polyamide thin films on non-porous substrates was investigated using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and corroborated by near
Created March 29, 2019, Updated December 8, 2022