Garnett Bryant is a theoretical condensed matter physicist at the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) and group leader of the Atom Scale Device Group. He is also a fellow of the NIST/University of Maryland Joint Quantum Institute and of the American Physical Society. He performs fundamental research on atomic-scale solid-state quantum devices, such as dopant-based devices in silicon, as well as nanoscale quantum and photonic devices including semiconductor quantum dots and wires and metal nanoparticles. He has done extensive work to develop and exploit atomistic modeling of these structures. This provides the basis for studies of dopant-based Si quantum devices, spin physics in quantum dots and wires, and the many-body physics of atomic-scale dopant-based systems used for quantum simulators. Current work includes studies of small dopant arrays to understand the transition to the bulk limit, to identify signatures of many-body physics in these arrays, and to develop experimental protocols to probe these arrays. New efforts are exploring the use of atom-scale devices as intentionally designed, manufacturable point-defect quantum sensors. Other interests include quantum plasmonics and nanooptics.
Atomistic Modeling of Atom-scale and Nanoscale Quantum Systems
From Q Lab to Quantum Simulators