Thomas LeBrun is the group leader of the Photonics and Optomechanics Group in the Microsystems and Nanotechnology Division. He received a B.S. in Mathematics from Boston University and a Doctorate in AMO physics from the University of Paris XI with high honors under a fellowship from the Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique. Originally working in coincidence studies of molecular fragmentation following inner-shell ionization with synchrotron radiation, he moved to Argonne National Laboratory as a postdoc and staff member working in AMO physics following excitation by hard x-rays, gamma rays, and heavy-ion impact. At NIST he has worked in x-ray interferometry, atomic displacement metrology and optical trapping for nanofabrication. His current research focuses on precision optomechanical accelerometry and sensing using chip-scale optical cavities, levitated optomechanics for precision measurement and quantum information, and standards for analytical ultracentrifuge measurements of protein size and affinity.