The accuracy of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) measurements depends on accurate calibration of the imaging process for each instrument. For quantitative imaging to reach its full potential, it is necessary to analyze measurements across systems and longitudinally.
The Applied Physics Division provides calibration services for nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation times and special tests (e.g., calibration, prototype testing) of various solutions’ relaxation times and water self-diffusion by prior arrangement.
In addition, the Applied Physics Division offers a Measurement Assurance Program for Relaxation to assure the accuracy of relaxation times in spectroscopy and imaging settings conducted by participating entities. The MAP transport standard consists of either three sealed capillaries or one 210 mm MRI phantom calibration object shipped in shock-resistant shipping containers (mechanical shock may damage calibration objects). These calibration objects are used to assess the reproducibility and uncertainty of calibrations performed by the participating entity.
For quotes, scheduling, or shipping information:
John Lomax
Calibration Administrator
Physical Measurement Laboratory
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80305-3328
Tel: 303-497-3842
Fax: 303-497-4286
E-mail: john.lomax [at] (john[dot]lomax[at]nist[dot]gov)
Kathryn Keenan
NIST Applied Physics Division
Tel: 303-497-3665
E-mail: kathryn.keenan [at] (kathryn[dot]keenan[at]nist[dot]gov)
For technical information:
Stephen Russek
NIST Applied Physics Division
Tel: 303-497-5097
E-mail: stephen.russek [at] (stephen[dot]russek[at]nist[dot]gov)
For information about other NIST calibration services:
Calibration Administrator
Physical Measurement Laboratory
E-mail: calibrations [at] (calibrations[at]nist[dot]gov)