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Electron-Impact Cross Sections for Ionization and Excitation Database

NIST Standard Reference Database 107

Last Update to Data Content: August 2004 | Version History | Disclaimer | DOI:

Y.-K. Kim,1 K.K. Irikura,2 M.E. Rudd,3 M.A. Ali,4 and P.M. Stone1
J. Chang,1 J.S. Coursey,1 R.A. Dragoset,1 A.R. Kishore,1 K.J. Olsen,1 A.M. Sansonetti,1 G.G. Wiersma,1 D.S. Zucker,1 and M.A. Zucker,1

1NIST, Physical Measurement Laboratory
2NIST, Material Measurement Laboratory
3University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Lincoln, NE 68588-0111
4Howard University, Department of Chemistry, Washington, DC 20059

This is a database primarily of total ionization cross sections of molecules by electron impact. The database also includes cross sections for some atoms and energy distributions of ejected electrons for H, He, and H2. The cross sections were calculated using the Binary-Encounter-Bethe (BEB) model, which combines the Mott cross section with the high-incident energy behavior of the Bethe cross section. Selected experimental data are included. Electron-impact excitation cross sections are also included for some selected atoms.

Introduction and References

Table of Atoms and Table of Molecules

Contributions of the following colleagues are gratefully acknowledged:
W. M. Huo, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffet Field, CA 94035-1000
W. Hwang, Samsung Electronics, Suwon, Korea

NIST Standard Reference Database 107 | Customer Support | Online: August 1997 | Last update: August 2005


Created September 4, 2009, Updated June 17, 2024