Regulatory and health agencies in the US, Canada, and Europe regularly identify suspected carcinogenic or toxic compounds as emerging contaminants. After health risks are identified, precise and accurate analytical methods must be created and validated to quantify these contaminants in applicable samples.
The Biochemical and Exposure Science Group (BESG) located at the Hollings Marine Laboratory is focused on advancing measurement techniques to effectively detect compounds of emerging concern. The BESG has a long history of developing accurate and precise analytical methods for emerging organic chemical contaminants. These new chemical methods are used by environmental researchers in academia, industry, and government agencies.
1. Corniuk, R. N., Lynch, J. M., Arendt, M. D., Braun-McNeill, J., Owens, D. W., Valverde, R. A., Kucklick, J. R., and McClellan-Green, P. D., "Using Plasma Vitellogenin in Loggerhead Sea Turtles to Assess Reproductive Maturation and Estrogen-Like Contaminant Exposure," Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, (2023).
2. Peter, K. T., Kolodziej, E. P., and Kucklick, J. R., "Assessing Reliability of Non-targeted High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Fingerprints for Quantitative Source Apportionment in Complex Matrices," Analytical Chemistry, 94, 2723-2731 (2022).
3. Cowger, W., Steinmetz, Z., Gray, A., Munno, K., Lynch, J., Hapich, H., Primpke, S., De Frond, H., Rochman, C., and Herodotou, O., "Microplastic Spectral Classification Needs an Open Source Community: Open Specy to the Rescue!," Analytical Chemistry, 93, 7543-7548 (2021).
4. Renaguli, A., Fernando, S., Holsen, T. M., Hopke, P. K., Adams, D. H., Balazs, G. H., Jones, T. T., Work, T. M., Lynch, J. M., and Crimmins, B. S., "Characterization of Halogenated Organic Compounds in Pelagic Sharks and Sea Turtles Using a Nontargeted Approach," Environ. Sci. Technol., 55, 16390-16401 (2021).
5. Rodowa, A. E. and Reiner, J. L., "Utilization of a NIST SRM: a case study for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in NIST SRM 1957 organic contaminants in non-fortified human serum," Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 413, 2295-2301 (2021).
6. Wood, C., Balazs, G. H., Rice, M., Work, T. M., Jones, T. T., Sterling, E., Summers, T. M., Brooker, J., Kurpita, L., King, C. S., and Lynch, J. M., "Sea turtles across the North Pacific are exposed to perfluoroalkyl substances," Environmental Pollution, 279, (2021).
7. Aquilina-Beck, A. A., Reiner, J. L., Chung, K. W., Delise, M. J., Key, P. B., and DeLorenzo, M. E., "Uptake and Biological Effects of Perfluorooctane Sulfonate Exposure in the Adult Eastern OysterCrassostrea virginica," Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 79, 333-342 (2020).
8. Cowger, W., Booth, A. M., Hamilton, B. M., Thaysen, C., Primpke, S., Munno, K., Lusher, A. L., Dehaut, A., Vaz, V. P., Liboiron, M., Devriese, L. I., Hermabessiere, L., Rochman, C., Athey, S. N., Lynch, J. M., De Frond, H., Gray, A., Jones, O. A. H., Brander, S., Steele, C., Moore, S., Sanchez, A., and Nel, H., "Reporting Guidelines to Increase the Reproducibility and Comparability of Research on Microplastics," Applied Spectroscopy, 74, 1066-1077 (2020).
9. Backer, L. C., Bolton, B., Litz, J. A., Trevillian, J., Kieszak, S., and Kucklick, J., "Environmental contaminants in coastal populations: Comparisons with the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) and resident dolphins," Science of the Total Environment, 696, (2019).
10. Bangma, J. T., Ragland, J. M., Rainwater, T. R., Bowden, J. A., Gibbons, J. W., and Reiner, J. L., "Perfluoroalkyl substances in diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) in coastal South Carolina," Chemosphere, 215, 305-312 (2019).
11. Dietz, R., Letcher, R. J., Desforges, J. P., Eulaers, I., Sonne, C., Wilson, S., Andersen-Ranberg, E., Basu, N., Barst, B. D., Bustnes, J. O., Bytingsvik, J., Ciesielski, T. M., Drevnick, P. E., Gabrielsen, G., Haarr, A., Hylland, K., Jenssen, B. M., Levin, M., McKinney, M. A., Norregaard, R. D., Pedersen, K. E., Provencher, J., Styrishave, B., Tartu, S., Aars, J., Ackerman, J. T., Rosing-Asvid, A., Barrett, R., Bignert, A., Borns, E. W., Branigan, M., Braune, B., Bryan, C. E., Dam, M., Eagles-Smith, C. A., Evans, M., Evans, T. J., Fisk, A. T., Gamberg, M., Gustavson, K., Hartman, C. A., Helander, B., Herzog, M. P., Hoekstra, P. F., Houde, M., Hoydal, K., Jackson, A. K., Kucklick, J., Lie, E., Loseto, L., Mallory, M. L., Miljeteig, C., Mosbech, A., Muir, D. C. G., Nielsen, S. T., Peacock, E., Pedro, S., Peterson, S. H., Polder, A., Riget, F. F., Roach, P., Saunes, H., Sinding, M. H. S., Skaare, J. U., Sondergaard, J., Stenson, G., Stern, G., Treu, G., Schuur, S. S., and Vikingsson, G., "Current state of knowledge on biological effects from contaminants on arctic wildlife and fish," Science of the Total Environment, 696, (2019).
12. Clukey, K. E., Lepczyk, C. A., Balazs, G. H., Work, T. M., Li, Q. X., Bachman, M. J., and Lynch, J. M., "Persistent organic pollutants in fat of three species of Pacific pelagic longline caught sea turtles: Accumulation in relation to ingested plastic marine debris," Science of the Total Environment, 610, 402-411 (2018).
13. Neely, M. G., Morey, J. S., Anderson, P., Balmer, B. C., Ylitalo, G. M., Zolman, E. S., Speakman, T. R., Sinclair, C., Bachman, M. J., Huncik, K., Kucklick, J., Rosel, P. E., Mullin, K. D., Rowles, T. K., Schwacke, L. H., and Van Dolah, F. M., "Skin Transcriptomes of common bottlenose dolphins (& IT;Tursiops truncatus & IT;) from the northern Gulf of Mexico and southeastern US Atlantic coasts," Marine Genomics, 38, 45-58 (2018).
14. Bangma, J. T., Bowden, J. A., Brunell, A. M., Christie, I., Finnell, B., Guillette, M. P., Jones, M., Lowers, R. H., Rainwater, T. R., Reiner, J. L., Wilkinson, P. M., and Guillette, L. J., "Perfluorinated Alkyl Acids in Plasma of American Alligators (Alligator Mississippiensis) from Florida and South Carolina," Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 36, 917-925 (2017).
15. Bryan, C. E., Bossart, G. D., Christopher, S. J., Davis, W. C., Kilpatrick, L. E., Mcfee, W. E., and O'Brien, T. X., "Selenium protein identification and profiling by mass spectrometry: A tool to assess progression of cardiomyopathy in a whale model," Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 44, 40-49 (2017).
16. Mccoy, J. A., Bangma, J. T., Reiner, J. L., Bowden, J. A., Schnorr, J., Slowey, M., O'Leary, T., Guillette, L. J., and Parrott, B. B., "Associations between perfluorinated alkyl acids in blood and ovarian follicular fluid and ovarian function in women undergoing assisted reproductive treatment," Science of the Total Environment, 605, 9-17 (2017).
17. Tipton, J. J., Guillette, L. J., Lovelace, S., Parrott, B. B., Rainwater, T. R., and Reiner, J. L., "Analysis of PFAAs in American alligators part 2: Potential dietary exposure of South Carolina hunters from recreationally harvested alligator meat," Journal of Environmental Sciences, 61, 31-38 (2017).
18. Christie, I., Reiner, J. L., Bowden, J. A., Botha, H., Cantu, T. M., Govender, D., Guillette, M. P., Lowers, R. H., Luus-Powell, W. J., Pienaar, D., Smit, W. J., and Guillette, L. J., "Perfluorinated alkyl acids in the plasma of South African crocodiles (Crocodylus niloticus)," Chemosphere, 154, 72-78 (2016).
19. Colabuono, F. I., Pol, S. S. V., Huncik, K. M., Taniguchi, S., Petry, M. V., Kucklick, J. R., and Montone, R. C., "Persistent organic pollutants in blood samples of Southern Giant Petrels (Macronectes giganteus) from the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica," Environmental Pollution, 216, 38-45 (2016).
20. Reiner, J. L., Becker, P. R., Gribble, M. O., Lynch, J. M., Moors, A. J., Ness, J., Peterson, D., Pugh, R. S., Ragland, T., Rimmer, C., Rhoderick, J., Schantz, M. M., Trevillian, J., and Kucklick, J. R., "Organohalogen Contaminants and Vitamins in Northern Fur Seals (Callorhinus ursinus) Collected During Subsistence Hunts in Alaska," Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 70, 96-105 (2016).
21. Vander Pol, S. S., Kucklick, J. R., Lynch, J. M., Pugh, R. S., Ragland, J. M., Reiner, J. L., Trevillian, J., and Schantz, M. M., "Lessons Learned from Monitoring Organic Contaminants in Three Decades of Marine Samples from the Pacific Basin Archived at the USA's Marine Environmental Specimen Bank," Persistent Organic Chemicals in the Environment: Status and Trends in the Pacific Basin Countries Ii: Temporal Trends, 1244, 1-19 (2016).
22. Mancia, A., Abelli, L., Kucklick, J. R., Rowles, T. K., Wells, R. S., Balmer, B. C., Hohn, A. A., Baatz, J. E., and Ryan, J. C., "Microarray applications to understand the impact of exposure to environmental contaminants in wild dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)," Marine Genomics, 19, 47-57 (2015).
23. Reiner, J. L., Blaine, A. C., Higgins, C. P., Huset, C., Jenkins, T. M., Kwadijk, C. J. A. F., Lange, C. C., Muir, D. C. G., Reagen, W. K., Rich, C., Small, J. M., Strynar, M. J., Washington, J. W., Yoo, H., and Keller, J. M., "Polyfluorinated substances in abiotic standard reference materials," Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 407, 2975-2983 (2015).
24. Mancia, A., Ryan, J. C., Van Dolah, F. M., Kucklick, J. R., Rowles, T. K., Wells, R. S., Rosel, P. E., Hohn, A. A., and Schwacke, L. H., "Machine learning approaches to investigate the impact of PCBs on the transcriptome of the common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)," Marine Environmental Research, 100, 57-67 (2014).
25. Parrott, B. B., Bowden, J. A., Kohno, S., Cloy-McCoy, J. A., Hale, M. D., Bangma, J. T., Rainwater, T. R., Wilkinson, P. M., Kucklick, J. R., and Guillette, L. J., "Influence of tissue, age, and environmental quality on DNA methylation in Alligator mississippiensis," Reproduction, 147, 503-513 (2014).
26. Ellisor, D., McLellan, W., Koopman, H., Schwacke, L., Mcfee, W., and Kucklick, J., "The distribution and stratification of persistent organic pollutants and fatty acids in bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) blubber," Science of the Total Environment, 463, 581-588 (2013).
27. Hoguet, J., Keller, J. M., Reiner, J. L., Kucklick, J. R., Bryan, C. E., Moors, A. J., Pugh, R. S., and Becker, P. R., "Spatial and temporal trends of persistent organic pollutants and mercury in beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) from Alaska," Science of the Total Environment, 449, 285-294 (2013).
28. Yordy, J. E., Rossman, S., Ostrom, P. H., Reiner, J. L., Bargnesi, K., Hughes, S., and Elliot, J. D., "Levels of Chlorinated, Brominated, and Perfluorinated Contaminants in Birds of Prey Spanning Multiple Trophic Levels," Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 49, 347-354 (2013).
29. Bryan, C. E., Davis, W. C., Mcfee, W. E., Neumann, C. A., Schulte, J., Bossart, G. D., and Christopher, S. J., "Influence of mercury and selenium chemistries on the progression of cardiomyopathy in pygmy sperm whales, Kogia breviceps," Chemosphere, 89, 556-562 (2012).
30. Keller, J. M., Ngai, L., McNeill, J. B., Wood, L. D., Stewart, K. R., O'Connell, S. G., and Kucklick, J. R., "Perfluoroalkyl contaminants in plasma of five sea turtle species: Comparisons in concentration and potential health risks," Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 31, 1223-1230 (2012).
31. Reiner, J. L., O'Connell, S. G., Butt, C. M., Mabury, S. A., Small, J. M., De Silva, A. O., Muir, D. C. G., Delinsky, A. D., Strynar, M. J., Lindstrom, A. B., Reagen, W. K., Malinsky, M., Schafer, S., Kwadijk, C. J. A. F., Schantz, M. M., and Keller, J. M., "Determination of perfluorinated alkyl acid concentrations in biological standard reference materials," Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 404, 2683-2692 (2012).
32. Schwacke, L. H., Zolman, E. S., Balmer, B. C., De Guise, S., George, R. C., Hoguet, J., Hohn, A. A., Kucklick, J. R., Lamb, S., Levin, M., Litz, J. A., Mcfee, W. E., Place, N. J., Townsend, F. I., Wells, R. S., and Rowles, T. K., "Anaemia, hypothyroidism and immune suppression associated with polychlorinated biphenyl exposure in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)," Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 279, 48-57 (2012).
33. Yu, L. L., Jarrett, J. M., Davis, W. C., Kilpatrick, E. L., Oflaz, R., Turk, G. C., Leber, D. D., Valentin, L., Morel-Espinosa, M., and Blount, B. C., "Characterization of perchlorate in a new frozen human urine standard reference material," Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 404, 1877-1886 (2012).
34. Alava, J. J., Keller, J. M., Wyneken, J., Crowder, L., Scott, G., and Kucklick, J. R., "Geographical Variation of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Eggs of Threatened Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta Caretta) from Southeastern United States," Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 30, 1677-1688 (2011).
35. Ragland, J. M., Arendt, M. D., Kucklick, J. R., and Keller, J. M., "Persistent Organic Pollutants in Blood Plasma of Satellite-Tracked Adult Male Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta Caretta)," Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 30, 1549-1556 (2011).
36. Reiner, J. L., Phinney, K. W., and Keller, J. M., "Determination of perfluorinated compounds in human plasma and serum Standard Reference Materials using independent analytical methods," Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 401, 2899-2907 (2011).
37. Stewart, K. R., Keller, J. M., Templeton, R., Kucklick, J. R., and Johnson, C., "Monitoring persistent organic pollutants in leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) confirms maternal transfer," Marine Pollution Bulletin, 62, 1396-1409 (2011).
38. O'Connell, S. G., Arendt, M., Segars, A., Kimmel, T., Braun-McNeill, J., Avens, L., Schroeder, B., Ngai, L., Kucklick, J. R., and Keller, J. M., "Temporal and Spatial Trends of Perfluorinated Compounds in Juvenile Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta caretta) along the East Coast of the United States," Environ. Sci. Technol., 44, 5202-5209 (2010).
39. Swarthout, R. F., Keller, J. M., Peden-Adams, M., Landry, A. M., Fair, P. A., and Kucklick, J. R., "Organohalogen contaminants in blood of Kemp's ridley (Lepidochelys kempii) and green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) from the Gulf of Mexico," Chemosphere, 78, 731-741 (2010).
40. Yordy, J. E., Pabst, D. A., McLellan, W. A., Wells, R. S., Rowles, T. K., and Kucklick, J. R., "Tissue-Specific Distribution and Whole-Body Burden Estimates of Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops Truncatus)," Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 29, 1263-1273 (2010).
41. Yordy, J. E., Wells, R. S., Balmer, B. C., Schwacke, L. H., Rowles, T. K., and Kucklick, J. R., "Life history as a source of variation for persistent organic pollutant (POP) patterns in a community of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) resident to Sarasota Bay, FL," Science of the Total Environment, 408, 2163-2172 (2010).
42. Yordy, J. E., Mollenhauer, M. A. M., Wilson, R. M., Wells, R. S., Hohn, A., Sweeney, J., Schwacke, L. H., Rowles, T. K., Kucklick, J. R., and Peden-Adams, M. M., "Complex Contaminant Exposure in Cetaceans: A Comparative E-Screen Analysis of Bottlenose Dolphin Blubber and Mixtures of Four Persistent Organic Pollutants," Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 29, 2143-2153 (2010).
43. Yordy, J. E., Wells, R. S., Balmer, B. C., Schwacke, L. H., Rowles, T. K., and Kucklick, J. R., "Partitioning of Persistent Organic Pollutants between Blubber and Blood of Wild Bottlenose Dolphins: Implications for Biomonitoring and Health," Environ. Sci. Technol., 44, 4789-4795 (2010).
44. Keller, J. M., Swarthout, R. F., Carlson, B. K. R., Yordy, J., Guichard, A., Schantz, M. M., and Kucklick, J. R., "Comparison of five extraction methods for measuring PCBs, PBDEs, organochlorine pesticides, and lipid content in serum," Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 393, 747-760 (2009).
45. Swarthout, R. F., Kucklick, J. R., and Davis, W. C., "The determination of polybrominated diphenyl ether congeners by gas chromatography inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry," Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 23, 1575-1580 (2008).
46. Christopher, S. J., Pugh, R. S., Ellisor, M. B., Mackey, E. A., Spatz, R. O., Porter, B. J., Bealer, K. J., Kucklick, J. R., Rowles, T. K., and Becker, P. R., "Description and results of the NIST/NOAA 2005 interlaboratory comparison exercise for trace elements in marine mammals," Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 12, 175-187 (2007).
47. Peck, A. M., Kucklick, J. R., and Schantz, M. M., "Synthetic musk fragrances in environmental standard reference materials," Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 387, 2381-2388 (2007).
48. Point, D., Davis, W. C., Christopher, S. J., Ellisor, M. B., Pugh, R. S., Becker, P. R., Donard, O. F. X., Porter, B. J., and Wise, S. A., "Development and application of an ultratrace method for speciation of organotin compounds in cryogenically archived and homogenized biological materials," Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 387, 2343-2355 (2007).
49. Poster, D. L., Kucklick, J. R., Schantz, M. M., Vander Pol, S. S., Leigh, S. D., and Wiset, S. A., "Development of a house dust standard reference material for the determination of organic contaminants," Environ. Sci. Technol., 41, 2861-2867 (2007).
50. Poster, D. L., Kucklick, J. R., Schantz, M. M., Porter, B. J., Sander, L. C., and Wise, S. A., "New developments in Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) for environmental forensics," Environmental Forensics, 8, 181-191 (2007).
51. Schantz, M. M., Keller, J. M., Kucklick, J. R., Poster, D. L., Stapleton, H. M., Vander Pol, S. S., and Wise, S. A., "New standard reference material (SRM) 2585: Organic contaminants in house dust to support exposure assessment measurements," American Laboratory, 39, 22-+ (2007).
52. Stapleton, H. M., Keller, J. M., Schantz, M. M., Kucklick, J. R., Leigh, S. D., and Wise, S. A., "Determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in environmental standard reference materials," Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 387, 2365-2379 (2007).
53. Alava, J. J., Keller, J. M., Kucklick, J. R., Wyneken, J., Crowder, L., and Scott, G. I., "Loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) egg yolk concentrations of persistent organic pollutants and lipid increase during the last stage of embryonic development," Science of the Total Environment, 367, 170-181 (2006).
54. Keller, J. M., McClellan-Green, P. D., Kucklick, J. R., Keil, D. E., and Peden-Adams, M. M., "Effects of organochlorine contaminants on loggerhead sea turtle immunity: Comparison of a correlative field study and in vitro exposure experiments," Environmental Health Perspectives, 114, 70-76 (2006).
55. Kucklick, J. R. and Helm, P. A., "Advances in the environmental analysis of polychlorinated naphthalenes and toxaphene," Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 386, 819-836 (2006).
56. Wise, S. A., Poster, D. L., Kucklick, J. R., Keller, J. M., VanderPol, S. S., Sander, L. C., and Schantz, M. M., "Standard reference materials (SRMs) for determination of organic contaminants in environmental samples," Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 386, 1153-1190 (2006).
57. Zeisler, R., Murphy, K. E., Becker, D. A., Davis, W. C., Kelly, W. R., Long, S. E., and Sieber, J. R., "Standard Reference Materials (R) (SRMs) for measurement of inorganic environmental contaminants," Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 386, 1137-1151 (2006).
58. Keller, J. M., Kannan, K., Taniyasu, S., Yamashita, N., Day, R. D., Arendt, M. D., Segars, A. L., and Kucklick, J. R., "Perfluorinated compounds in the plasma of loggerhead and Kemp's ridley sea turtles from the southeastern coast of the United States," Environ. Sci. Technol., 39, 9101-9108 (2005).
59. Schantz, M. M., Kucklick, J. R., Poster, D., Stapleton, H. M., and Wise, S. A., "Certification of a house dust standard reference material for determination of organic contaminants," Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 230, U209 (2005).
60. Tuerk, K. J. S., Kucklick, J. R., Mcfee, W. E., Pugh, R. S., and Becker, P. R., "Factors influencing persistent organic pollutant concentrations in the atlantic white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus acutus)," Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 24, 1079-1087 (2005).
61. Tuerk, K. J. S., Kucklick, J. R., Becker, P. R., Stapleton, H. M., and Baker, J. E., "Persistent organic pollutants in two dolphin species with focus on toxaphene and polybrominated diphenyl ethers," Environ. Sci. Technol., 39, 692-698 (2005).
62. Keller, J. M., Kucklick, J. R., and McClellan-Green, P. D., "Organochlorine contaminants in loggerhead sea turtle blood: Extraction techniques and distribution among plasma and red blood cells," Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 46, 254-264 (2004).
63. Keller, J. M., Kucklick, J. R., Stamper, M. A., Harms, C. A., and McClellan-Green, P. D., "Associations between organochlorine contaminant concentrations and clinical health parameters in loggerhead sea turtles from North Carolina, USA," Environmental Health Perspectives, 112, 1074-1079 (2004).
64. Keller, J. M., Kucklick, J. R., Harms, C. A., and McClellan-Green, P. D., "Organochlorine contaminants in sea turtles: Correlations between whole blood and fat," Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 23, 726-738 (2004).
65. Poster, D. L., Schantz, M. M., Kucklick, J. R., De Alda, M. J. L., Porter, B. J., Pugh, R., and Wise, S. A., "Three new mussel tissue standard reference materials (SRMs) for the determination of organic contaminants," Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 378, 1213-1231 (2004).
66. Wise, S. A., Poster, D. L., Schantz, M. M., Kucklick, J. R., Sander, L. C., de Alda, M. L., Schubert, P., Parris, R. M., and Porter, B. J., "Two new marine sediment standard reference materials (SRMs) for the determination of organic contaminants," Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 378, 1251-1264 (2004).
67. Poster, D. L., Kucklick, J. R., Schantz, M. M., Porter, B. J., Leigh, S. D., and Wise, S. A., "Determination of polychlorinated biphenyl congeners and chlorinated pesticides in a fish tissue standard reference material," Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 375, 223-241 (2003).
68. Davis, R. W., Moore, E. F., Maslar, J. E., Burgess, D. R., Kremer, D. M., and Ehrman, S. H., "A numerical/experimental investigation of microcontamination in a rotating disk chemical vapor deposition reactor," Characterization and Metrology for Ulsi Technology 2000, International Conference, 550, 292-296 (2001).
69. Kucklick, J. R. and Baker, J. E., "Organochlorines in Lake Superior's food web," Environ. Sci. Technol., 32, 1192-1198 (1998).