NIST’s Communications Technology Lab is developing a new paradigm for RF field sensing and measurements based on the atom. The Rydberg Atom-based RF Field Probes team is using highly excited alkali atoms to detect and measure electric fields from DC to daylight (from Hz to THz) with high sensitivity and fidelity. Due to the standard behavior of these atoms, this independent RF measurement method provides direct traceability to SI-defined constants.
The first fiber-coupled vapor cell for E-field measurements using Rydberg atoms.
Calibrated radio frequency (RF) electric field probes and antennas are currently limited by a complex, indirect traceability path and require a complex calibration – which presents a chicken-and-egg dilemma. Probes must be calibrated by placing them in a known electric field, while a precisely known electric field is only realized using calibrated probes. Borrowing a technique from atomic spectroscopy, electromagnetically-induced transparency (EIT), we can use atoms as a noninvasive field probe for directly SI-traceable, self-calibrated RF electric field measurements over a huge range frequency.
The Rydberg atom-based sensing technique has shown promise for many applications beyond RF field probe calibrations. We are currently exploring:
“A ‘real-time’ guitar recording using Rydberg atoms and electromagnetically induced transparency: Quantum physics meets music,” AIP Advances 9, 065110 (2019).
“Scientists develop innovative, atomic resonance-based method to measure electric fields,” (2017).…
“Weak electric-field detection with sub-1 Hz resolution at radio frequencies using a Rydberg atom-based mixer,” AIP Advances 9, 045030 (2019).
“Using radiation pressure to develop a radio-frequency power measurement technique traceable to the redefined SI,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 113, 164102 (2018)
“Fiber-coupled vapor cell for a portable Rydberg atom-based radio frequency electric field sensor,” Applied Optics, vol. 57, no. 22, pp. 6456-6460 (2018).
“Measurement Challenges for 5G and Beyond: An Update from the National Institute of Standards and Technology,” IEEE Microwave Magazine, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 41-56, July-Aug. (2017).
“A New Quantum-Based Power Standard: Using Rydberg Atoms for a SI-Traceable Radio-Frequency Power Measurement Technique in Rectangular Waveguides,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 94101, 113 (2018).