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Book Chapters

Service Life Prediction -Why is this so hard?

Christopher C. White, Kenneth M. White, James Pickett
Service life prediction in general and weathering lifetime in particular have been persistent problems despite nearly a century of work. Part of the problem has

Yang-Yang Critical Anomaly

Joe W. Magee, Ilmutdin Abdulagatov, Nikolai Polikhronidi, Rabiyat Batyrova
Following a critical review of related research, a method is described to evaluate the Yang-Yang critical anomaly strength function, , from experimental

A Brief Introduction to the Winter Simulation Conference

Andreas Tolk, John Fowler, Guodong Shao, Enver Yucesan
In December of 2017, the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) celebrates its 50th anniversary. Among the special events planned to commemorate this milestone will

Conceptual Modeling

Conrad E. Bock, Fatma Dandashi, Sanford Friedenthal, Natalie Harrison, Steven Jenkins, Leon McGinnis, Janos Sztipanovits, Adelinde Uhrmacher, Eric Weisel, Lin Zhang
Understanding and developing complex systems requires collaboration between individuals with widely varying expertise. Communication between these individuals

Color Quality (book chapter)

Yoshihiro Ohno
This book chapter provides the fundamentals of colorimetry and color quality for solid state lighting, including descriptions of the current standards on

Assessing Ash Quality and Performance

Larry Sutter, Dale P. Bentz
This chapter reviews ash quality and performance issues, with special emphasis on air entrainment and early-age performance. Recent developments in testing

Bose-Einstein Condensates in Artificial Gauge Fields

Ian B. Spielman, Lindsay LeBlanc
Quantum mechanically, static or applied gauge fields manifest themselves by directly coupling to a system's phase. Artificial gauge field techniques manipulate

Economics of Additive Manufacturing

Douglas Thomas
There are three aspects to the economics of additive manufacturing. The first involves measuring the size of additive manufacturing. This includes measuring the

Design for Powder Bed Fusion of Metal Parts

Paul Witherell
Advancements in metals-focused technologies have taken 3D printing from a prototyping technology to an advanced, additive manufacturing (AM) production

Ultra-Cold Collisions of Atoms and Molecules

Paul S. Julienne
The study of collisions of neutral atoms and molecules at ultralow collision energies is made possible by advances in techniques for cooling and trapping such

Laser Stabilization

John L. Hall, Jun Ye, M S. Taubman
It becomes clear that there are many interlinking considerations involved in the design of-laser stabilization systems, and it is difficult to present a full

Plasma Diagnostic Techniques

Eric C. Benck
In order for extreme ultraviolet (EUV) plasma sources to become the next generation lithographic source, significant obstacles still need to be overcome

Open Source Private Cloud Platforms for Big Data

Martial Michel, Edmond J. Golden III, Olivier Serres, Ahmad Anbar, Tarek El-Ghazawi
Due to its availability, Cloud computing is the de facto platform of choice for big data, where Big Data as a Service (BDaaS) is believed to be the next best