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Search Publications by: Stephen W Freiman (Assoc)

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Displaying 1 - 24 of 24

Environmentally Enhanced Crack Growth in AlN

October 12, 2021
Roy W. Rice, C C. Wu, K R. McKinney, Stephen W. Freiman, L E. Dolhert, J H. Enloe
Three tests: (1) dynamic fatigue; (2) flexure strength, and (3) direct, double-cantilever beam stress intensity-crack velocity measurements carried out in air (22 C) and liquid nitrogen (-196 C) all showed that dense sintered AlN undergoes slow crack

Effects of Large Grains on Transgranular Fracture Toughness

February 19, 2017
Stephen W. Freiman
This paper addresses issues of fracture for materials in which large grains, exist in a matrix of much smaller grains. Materials used for optical components, such as ZnS and ZnSe frequently fall into this category. For materials of this sort failure can

Enviromental Concerns Facing the Ceramics Industry

February 19, 2017
Stephen W. Freiman
Over the past few years, there has been increased attention paid by ceramic manufacturers in the United States to environmental issues facing their businesses. In a recent survey of its members, the environment was identified as the primary issue facing

How Standards Help Bring New Materials to the Market

February 19, 2017
Stephen W. Freiman, George D. Quinn
This paper attempts to describe the importance of standards in helping to bring new materials to the market place. Using ceramic materials as an example, the different ways that standards can be important in the materials development process are outlined

Mechanical Reliability and Life Prediction for Brittle Materials

February 19, 2017
Grady S. White, Lin-Sien H. Lum, Stephen W. Freiman
This chapter is intended to provide the reader with a general understanding of why brittle materials fail in a time-dependent manner in service and how to estimate the lifetimes that can be expected for such materials. In addition, we describe procedures

Nanotechnology--From Promising to Practical: The Role of Standards

February 19, 2017
Stephen W. Freiman
Products based upon nanotechnology represent a potential market for revolutionary new materials, particularly those where one or more dimension is less than 50 nm, e.g., films, carbon nanotubes, nanoparticles. Commercialization of materials such as these

Predicting Fracture Resistance of Brittle Crystals

February 19, 2017
Grady S. White, Stephen W. Freiman, Lin-Sien H. Lum
A simple expression is derived relating fracture surface energy to easily measured material properties, i.e., the elastic Young's modulus and the equilibrium atomic plane spacing via a proportionality constant, k. This expression appears to be independent

Standards for Biomaterials

February 19, 2017
Stephen W. Freiman, John A. Tesk
This paper is a summary of a workshop session during the Workshop on Biomedical Materials and Devices, held June 13-14, 2001. The workshop is part of a series of workshops and topical meetings organized by NIST in the area of biomedical technology. The

Workshop on Purity and Dispersion Measurement Issues of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes (SWCNTs)

February 19, 2017
Stephen W. Freiman, Richard R. Cavanagh, C K. Montgomery, Thomas J. Shaffner, S Arepalli, B Files, P Nikolaev
This document is an executive summary of a workshop organized jointly by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (NASA/JSC) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) was held on May 27-29, 2003

NIST 31. Phase Equilibria Diagrams Database: Version 2.1

October 16, 2008
Stephen W. Freiman
Version 2.1 of this PC Windows(TM)-based CD-ROM package provides improved access to the well-known and widely distributed Phase Equilibria Diagrams Database (PED).The software permits searches for diagrams by chemical system, author, or year of publication

NIST/ACerS Crystalline Silica Workshop: A Synopsis

October 16, 2008
Stephen W. Freiman, R Haber, J Flatley
This paper represents a summary of a Workshop held in Gaithersburg, MD, on May 30-31, 2002, to discuss technical issues relative to the potential health issues associated with the inhalation of crystalline silica. The primary objective of the Workshop was

Measurement Issues in Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes

March 15, 2008
S Arepalli, Stephen W. Freiman, Stephanie A. Hooker, Kalman D. Migler
Recommended Practice Guide for Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Characterization consisting of five chapters: Introduction; Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) ; Near-IR Spectroscopy (NIR), Raman Spectroscopy, Optical, Electron, and Scanned Probe Microscopy.

Nanometrology - FY 2003 Program and Selected Accomplishments

December 15, 2003
Clare M. Allocca, Stephen W. Freiman
The emphasis on nanotechnology around the world is leading to the development and commercialization of unique products based upon significantly smaller devices and material ensembles. Materials at the nanoscale in three dimensions (NEMS, MEMS), two

VAMAS: Accomplishments and Future Directions

November 1, 2001
Stephen W. Freiman, E A. Early
The Versailles Project on Advanced Materials and Standards (VAMAS) was created in 1982 to support trade through international collaboration in pre-standards research in advanced materials. VAMAS has become self-sustaining through Memoranda of Understanding

Ceramics Division FY 2000 Programs and Accomplishments

January 1, 2001
Stephen W. Freiman, S J. Dapkunas
The mission of the Ceramics Division is: Work with industry, standards bodies, academia, and other government agencies in providing the leadership for the Nation's measurements and standards infrastructure for ceramic materials. The range of ceramic

Fracture and the Structure of Silica

July 1, 2000
Stephen W. Freiman
Not only because of its historic and widespread use in applications where its strength and brittle nature are significant factors, but also because it is homogeneous in composition and structure, and isotropic in its properties, glass is an ideal medium in

Apparent Correlation of Fracture Toughness and Strength

August 1, 1999
R G. Munro, Stephen W. Freiman
An extensive collection of fracture toughness (KIc) and strength ( f) data for brittle materials has been used to examine the relation between the mean measured values of KIc and f. The two properties have been found to have a weak, but useful, empirical

Ceramics 1998 Programs and Accomplishments

January 1, 1999
Stephen W. Freiman
The mission of the Ceramics Division can be stated as follows:Work with industry, standards bodies, academia, and other government agencies in providing the leadership for the Nation's measurements and standards infrastructure for ceramic materials.The

Fracture Toughness Data for Brittle Materials

April 1, 1998
R G. Munro, Stephen W. Freiman, T L. Baker
Fracture toughness data, as represented by the critical stress intensity factor, K Ic, and the fracture energy, γ, have been compiled from publicly accessible sources for a wide range of brittle materials with an emphasis on structural ceramics and closely

1997 NIST Ceramics Division Technical Activities

January 1, 1998
Stephen W. Freiman
The 1997 NIST Ceramics Division Report is organized in the form of programs, emphasizing a desire to develop more extensive collaborations among both Division and Materials Science and Engineering laboratory personnel, and to conduct focussed activities on