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Search Publications by: Lawrence T. Hudson ()

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Displaying 26 - 50 of 102

Tungsten L Transition Line Shapes and Energy Shifts Resulting from Ionization in Warm Dense Matter

April 18, 2013
Lawrence T. Hudson, John F. Seely, Bruce V. Weber, D. G. Phipps, Nino R. Pereira, D Mosher, K. Slabkowska, M. Polasik, J Rzadkiewicz, S Hansen, Uri Feldman, Joseph W. Schumer
High resolution spectra of the W L transitions in the energy range 8 keV to 12 keV from warm dense plasmas generated by the Naval Research Laboratory’s Gamble III pulsed power machine were recorded by a transmission-crystal x-ray spectrometer with ± 2 eV

Reply to “Comment on "Testing Three-body Quantum Electrodynamics with Trapped Ti20+ Ions: Evidence for a Z-Dependent Divergence between Experiment and Calculation"

April 12, 2013
Lawrence T. Hudson, C T. Chantler, M N. Kinnane, John D. Gillaspy, A.T. Payne, L F. Smale, Albert Henins, Joshua M. Pomeroy, J A. Kimpton, E Takacs, K Makonyi
We find that Epp’s [1] hypothesis - namely that the current experimental data set is well represented by a small constant or zero offset from the predictions of Artemyev et al. [2] - is not supported by standard statistical analysis. We find that adding

Testing Three-body Quantum Electrodynamics with Trapped Ti-20 Ions: Evidence for a Z-Dependent Divergence between Experiment and Calculation

October 10, 2012
Lawrence T. Hudson, C T. Chantler, Mark N. Kinnane, John D. Gillaspy, A.T. Payne, L F. Smale, Albert Henins, Joseph N. Tan, J A. Kimpton, E Takacs, K Makonyi, Joshua M. Pomeroy
We report the measurement of the w (1s2p 1P1 ! 1s2 1S0) resonance line transition energy in helium-like titanium. Our result, 4749.85(7) eV, deviates from the most recent ab initio prediction by three times our experimental uncertainty and by many times

Measurements and Standards for Bulk-Explosive Detection

May 31, 2012
Lawrence T. Hudson, Fred B. Bateman, Paul M. Bergstrom, Frank Cerra, Jack L. Glover, Ronaldo Minniti, Stephen M. Seltzer, Ronald E. Tosh
Due to the ease of assembly and leveraged disruptive effect, the improvised explosive device (IED) is the method of choice of today’s terrorist. With more than ten thousand IED incidents annually, and global expenditures for aviation and commercial

Extending transmission crystal x-ray spectroscopy to moderate-intensity laser driven sources

March 17, 2012
Lawrence T. Hudson, J. Y. Mao, L. M. Chen, John F. Seely, L. Zhang, Y. Q. Sun, X. X. Lin, J. Zhang
We present spectroscopic measurements of characteristic Kα and Kβ emissions from Mo targets irradiated by a 100 fs, 200 mJ, Ti: sapphire laser with intensity of 1017 W/cm2 to 1018 W/cm2 per pulse. This research pursues novel x-ray sources for medical

Absolute measurements of x-ray backlighter sources at energies above 10 keVa)

February 1, 2012
Lawrence T. Hudson, B.R. Maddox, H.S. Parks, B A. Remington, C. Chen, S Chen, S. T. Prisbrey, A. Comley, C A. Back, C. Szabo, John F. Seely, Uri Feldman, Stephen M. Seltzer, M. J. Haugh, Z. Ali
Line emission and broadband x-ray sources with x-ray energies above 10 keV have been investigated using a range of calibrated x-ray detectors for use as x-ray backlighters in high energy density (HED) experiments. The conversion efficiency of short- and

Pinhole X -ray camera photos of an ECR ion source plasma

November 1, 2011
Lawrence T. Hudson, Sandor Biri, E Takacs, R. Racz, J. Palinkas
A 70 micrometer pinhole and an X-ray CCD camera in single photon counting mode were used to obtain spatially and spectral resolved images of an electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion source generated plasma. The method has good spatial resolution as well

Energetic Photon Spectra from Targets Irradiated by Picoseconds Lasers

April 30, 2011
Lawrence T. Hudson, John F. Seely, Csilla Szabo, Uri Feldman, Hui Chen, Albert Henins
Photon spectra in the energy range 60 keV to 1 MeV were recorded from targets irradiated by the LLNL Titan and LLE EP picosecond lasers. The radiation consisted of K shell radiation, Bremsstrahlung radiation from MeV electrons, and preliminary evidence for

Scaling studies with the dual crystal spectrometer at the OMEGA-EP laser facility

October 26, 2010
Lawrence T. Hudson, C.I Szabo, J. Workman, K. Flippo, Uri Feldman, Albert Henins
The dual crystal spectrometer (DCS) is an approved diagnostic at the OMEGA and the OMEGA-EP laser facilities for the measurement of high energy x-rays in the 11 90 keV energy range, e.g., for verification of the x-ray spectrum of backlighter targets of

Laser-produced MeV electrons and hard X-ray spectroscopic diagnostics

July 21, 2010
Lawrence T. Hudson, John F. Seely
A new spectroscopic technique for the measurement of the sizes of hard X-ray sources produced by the irradiation of solid-density targets by intense laser radiation is discussed. The technique is based on the source broadening of K shell spectral lines

High contract femtosecond laser-driven intense hard X-ray source for imaging application

November 18, 2009
Lawrence T. Hudson, L.M Chen, W.M. Wang, M. Kando, F Liu, X.X. Lin, J.L Ma, Y.T. Li, S.V. Bulanvo, T. Tajima, Y. Kato, Z.M. Sheng, J Zhang
In this report we address the current situation of laser-driven hard X-ray sources for imaging applications,especially the saturation of X-ray conversion efficiency and the serious impact upon imaging quality.By employing high contrast laser pulses,the

First Measurement of Lyman Alpha X-ray Lines in Hydrogen-like Vanadium

September 30, 2009
John D. Gillaspy, C T. Chantler, D Paterson, Lawrence T. Hudson, F Serpa, E Takacs
The first measurement of hydrogen-like vanadium x-ray Lyman alpha transitions has been made. The measurement was made on an absolute scale, fully independent of atomic structure calculations. Sufficient signal was obtained to reduce the statistical

X-ray measurements at high-power lasers

May 1, 2009
Lawrence T. Hudson, C.I Szabo, Paul Indelicato, G.E. Gumberidze, G Holland, John F. Seely, Albert Henins, M Audebert, S. Bastiani-Ceccotti, E. Tabakhoff, E. Brambrink
Conversion efficiencies of laser light into K x-ray radiation are used to characterize laser-solid interactions e.g. in measurements with back-lighter targets in Inertial Confinement Fusion research or in ultra short x-ray science where ultra short laser

Analysis of ISCD-NIST Survey for Bone Health

April 1, 2009
Andrew M. Dienstfrey, Tammy L. Oreskovic, Herbert S. Bennett, Lawrence T. Hudson
In 2007, the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the International Society for Clinical Densitometry designed a survey to prioritize seven research and standardization action items intended to improve accuracy and cross-comparability of dual

Laser-produced X-Ray Sources

January 12, 2009
Lawrence T. Hudson, J Seely
A formidable array of advanced laser systems are emerging that produce extreme states of light and matter. By irradiating solid and gaseous targets with lasers of increasing energy densities, new physical regimes of radiation effects are being explored for

Development of backlighting sources for Compton radiography diagnostic of Inertial Confinement Fusion targets.

December 8, 2008
Lawrence T. Hudson, A. Tommasini, A MacPhee, D. Hey, T Ma, C. Chen, N Izimi, W Unites, A. MacKinnon, P. Hatchett, B.A. Remington, H.S. Park, P. Springer, J. Koch, O.L. Landen, John F. Seely, G Holland
We present scaled demonstrations of backlighter sources, emitting Bremsstrahlung x rays with photon energies above 75 keV, that we will use to record x-ray Compton radiographic snapshots of cold dense DT fuel in inertial confinement fusion implosions at

High resolution 17 keV to 75 keV backlighers for high energy density experiments

November 6, 2008
Lawrence T. Hudson, H.S. Parks, B.R. Maddox, E. Giraldez, P. Hatchett, N. Izumi, M.H. Key, S. LePape, A. MacKinnon, A MacPhee, P.K. Patel, T.W. Phillips, B.A. Remington, John F. Seely, A. Tommasini, R. Town, J. Workman
We have developed 17 keV to 75 keV 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional high-resolution (<10 m) radiography using high-intensity short pulse lasers. High energy K- sources are created by fluorescence from hot electrons interacting in the target material after

ISCD-NIST DXA Survey: Preliminary Report

May 15, 2008
Andrew M. Dienstfrey, Tammy L. Oreskovic, Lawrence T. Hudson, Herbert S. Bennett
This article reports and discusses briefly the preliminary results from the recent International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD)-National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) Survey. The 1074 Survey