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Search Publications by: Michael R Moldover (Assoc)

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Displaying 151 - 162 of 162

Wetting Layers and Dispersion Forces for a Fluid in Contact with a Vertical Wall

February 18, 1985
Richard F. Kayser, James W. Schmidt, Michael R. Moldover
When a liquid wets a vertical wall, wetting layers form on the wall high above the liquid-vapor meniscus. These layers are stabilized against gravity by dispersion forces. For SF_6 in contact with fused silica, we find layers between 20 and 40 nm thick in

An Interface Phase Transition: Complete to Partial Wetting

March 7, 1980
Michael R. Moldover, John W. Cahn
When two fluid phases are near a critical point, one of them will be excluded from contact with any third phase that happens to be present by a wetting film of the other critical phase. A simple and quite general strategy that may be used to induce a phase

Gravity effects in fluids near the gas liquid critical point

January 1, 1979
Michael R. Moldover, Jan V. Sengers, R W. Gammon, R Hocken
The presence of a gravitational field leads to both practical and fundamental limits of the resolution in critical phenomena experiments in fluids near the gas-liquid critical point. We present equations that yield estimates of the gravitational

Two-scale-factor universality near the critical point of fluids

April 17, 1978
Jan V. Sengers, Michael R. Moldover
Experimental evidence is presented in support of the validity of the hypothesis of two-scale- factor universality for the correlation function of fluids near the gas-liquid critical point.

Critical points of mixtures: An analogy with pure fluids

March 1, 1978
Michael R. Moldover, J S. Gallagher
The thermodynamic properties of vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) states near the critical locus of mixtures are correlated in very close analogy with the techniques used to correlate the properties of pure fluids near a critical point. The only mixture

Ising critical exponents in real fluids: An experiment

July 5, 1976
R Hocken, Michael R. Moldover
We report precise optical measurements of the equations of state of Xe, SF_6, and CO2 very near their critical points (|T - T_c|/T_c 5 x 10^-5). We find that the critical exponents of these fluids in this region are close to the exponents calculated from