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Search Publications by: Joseph Woicik (Fed)

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Displaying 76 - 100 of 110

Local Structures and Raman Spectra in the Ca(Zr,Ti)O 3 Perovskite Solid Solutions

February 7, 2006
Igor Levin, Eric J. Cockayne, M W. Lufaso, Joseph C. Woicik, James E. Maslar
Local structures and cation distributions in perovskite Ca(Zr, Ti)O3 solid solutions were analyzed using X-ray absorption fine structure and pair-distribution functions obtained from total neutron scattering. The analyses revealed that the Zr-O and Ti-O

Site Specific X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Using X-Ray Standing Waves

May 26, 2005
Joseph C. Woicik
The x-ray standing wave technique is an experimental method that can accurately determine the precise crystallographic positions of atoms within a crystalline unit cell. As we have seen in preceding chapters of this book, this unique ability arises from

The Local Structure of Antimony in High Dose Antimony Implants in Silicon by XAFS and SIMS

January 1, 2003
M A. Sahiner, S W. Novak, Joseph Woicik, Y. Takamura, P B. Griffin, J D. Plummer
One of the important challenges in semiconductor industry is to sustain high concentration of dopant atoms electronically active in very small areas. In investigating the optimum post implantation treatment methods that will help to attain these conditions

Site-Specific Valence-Band Photoemission Study of A-Fe 2 O 3

August 1, 2002
C Y. Kim, Michael Bedzyk, E J. Nelson, Joseph Woicik, L E. Berman
We have measured the site-specific valence-electronic structure of α-Fe 2O 3 by using a spatially modulated X-ray standing wave as the excitation source for photoemission. Contributions to the valence band density of states from oxygen and iron ions are

Quadrupole Effects in Core and Valance Photoelectron Emission From Crystalline Germanium Measured Via a Spatially Modulated X-Ray Interference Field

April 1, 2002
E J. Nelson, Joseph C. Woicik, P Pianetta, I A. Vartanyants, J W. Cooper
Near an x-ray Bragg reflection, two x-ray beams (incident and reflected) with opposite wavevectors exist within the crystal to create an x-ray standing wave (XSW) interference field. The part of the photoelectron yield depending on quadrupole (and higher

X-Ray Standing-Wave Investigation of Valence-Electronic Structure

September 1, 2001
Joseph C. Woicik, E J. Nelson, T Kendelewicz, P Pianetta, D Heskett, J Warner, L E. Berman, B A. Karlin, I A. Vartanyants, M Z. Hasan, Z -. Shen
We introduce a new experiment method by which site-specific valence-electronic structure may be obtained. It utilizes the x-ray standing-wave interference field that results from the superposition of the incident and reflected x-ray beams within the

X-Ray Standing-Wave Investigations of Valence Electronic Structure

September 1, 2001
Joseph C. Woicik, E J. Nelson, D Heskett, J Warner, L E. Berman, B A. Karlin, I A. Vartanyants, M Z. Hasan, T Kendelewicz, Z -. Shen, P Pianetta
We have examined the valance-electron emission from Cu, Ge, GaAs, InP, and NiO single crystals under the condition of strong x-ray Bragg reflection; i.e., in the presence of the spatially modulated x-ray standing-wave interference field that is produced by

Correlations Between the Magnetic and Structural Properties of Ca Doped BiMnO 3

April 1, 2001
H Woo, T A. Tyson, Mark Croft, S W. Cheong, Joseph Woicik
Bi1-xCaxMnO3 (BCMO) is known to exhibit charge ordering for a much broader range of x than the classicLa1-xCaxMnO3 (LCMO) system. However, the properties of BCMO over the entire doping range are not well understood. We have performed magnetization and

Abstracts for the MSEL Assessment Panel, March 2001

January 26, 2001
Leslie E. Smith, Alamgir Karim, Leonid A. Bendersky, C Lu, J J. Scott, Ichiro Takeuchi, Kathleen M. Flynn, Vinod K. Tewary, Davor Balzar, G A. Alers, Stephen E. Russek, Charles C. Han, Haonan Wang, William E. Wallace, Daniel A. Fischer, K Efimenko, Wen-Li Wu, Jan Genzer, Joseph C. Woicik, Thomas H. Gnaeupel-Herold, Henry J. Prask, Charles F. Majkrzak, Norman F. Berk, John G. Barker, Charles J. Glinka, Eric K. Lin, Ward L. Johnson, Paul R. Heyliger, David T. Read, R R. Keller, J Blendell, Grady S. White, Lin-Sien H. Lum, Eric J. Cockayne, Igor Levin, C E. Johnson, Maureen E. Williams, Gery R. Stafford, William J. Boettinger, Kil-Won Moon, Daniel Josell, Daniel Wheeler, Thomas P. Moffat, W H. Huber, Lee J. Richter, Clayton S. Yang, Robert D. Shull, R A. Fry, Robert D. McMichael, William F. Egelhoff Jr., Ursula R. Kattner, James A. Warren, Jonathan E. Guyer, Steven P. Mates, Stephen D. Ridder, Frank S. Biancaniello, D Basak, Jon C. Geist, Kalman D. Migler
Abstracts relating to research and development in the NIST Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory (MSEL) are presented for a poster session to be presented to the 2001 MSEL Assessment Panel.