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Search Publications by: Eite Tiesinga (Fed)

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Displaying 51 - 75 of 188

Anisotropy induced Feshbach resonances in a quantum dipolar gas of magnetic atoms.

September 7, 2012
A Petrov, Svetlana A. Kotochigova, Eite Tiesinga
We explore the anisotropic nature of Feshbach resonances in the collision between ultracold magnetic submerged-shell dysprosium atoms, which can only occur due to couplings to rotating bound states. This is in contrast to well-studied alkali-metal atom

Effective multibody interactions of harmonically confined ultracold neutral bosons

March 21, 2012
Philip Johnson, W F. Flynn, D Blume, X Y. Yin, Eite Tiesinga
We use renormalized perturbation theory to calculate effective two-, three-, and four-body interactions for N neutral ultracold bosons in the ground state of an isotropic harmonic trap, assuming only two-body interactions modeled with a zero-range

Resonant control of polar molecules in an optical lattice

February 1, 2012
Thomas M. Hanna, Eite Tiesinga, William F. Mitchell, Paul S. Julienne
We study the resonant control of two nonreactive polar molecules in an optical lattice site, focussing on the example of RbCs. Collisional control can be achieved by tuning bound states of the intermolecular dipolar potential, by varying the applied

Detecting Paired and Counterflow superfluidity via dipole oscillations

October 27, 2011
Anzi A. Hu, Ludwig G. Mathey, Eite Tiesinga, Ippei Danshita, Carl J. Williams, Charles W. Clark
We suggest an experimentally feasible procedure to observe paired and counterflow superfluidity in ultra-cold atom systems. We study the time evolution of one-dimensional mixtures of bosonic atoms in an optical lattice following an abrupt displacement of

Superradiance of cold atoms coupled to a superconducting circuit

June 6, 2011
Daniel Braun, Jonathan Hoffman, Eite Tiesinga
We investigate superradiance of an ensemble of atoms coupled to an integrated superconducting LC-circuit. Particular attention is paid to the effect of inhomogeneous coupling constants. Combining perturbation theory in the inhomogeneity and numerical

Spatial separation in a thermal mixture of ultracold174Yb and 87Rb atoms

April 21, 2011
F. Baumer, F. Munchow, A. Gorlitz, Stephen Maxwell, Paul S. Julienne, Eite Tiesinga
We report on the observation of unusually strong interactions in a thermal mixture of ultracold atoms which cause a significant modification of the spatial distribution. A mixture of 87Rb and 174Yb with a temperature of a few μK is prepared in a hybrid

Feshbach spectroscopy and analysis of the interaction potentials of ultracold sodium

April 8, 2011
T. Schuster, R. Scelle, A. Trautmann, J. Appmeier, S. Knoop, Eite Tiesinga, E. Tiemann
We have studied magnetic Feshbach resonances in an ultracold sample of Na prepared in the absolute hyperfine ground. W e report on the observation of three s-, eight d-, and three g-wave Feshbach resonances, including a more precis e determination of the

Creation and manipulation of Feshbach resonances with radio-frequency radiation

August 12, 2010
Thomas M. Hanna, Eite Tiesinga, Paul S. Julienne
We present a simple technique for studying collisions of ultracold atoms in the presence of a magnetic field and radio-frequency radiation (rf ). Resonant control of scattering properties can be achieved by using rf to couple a colliding pair of atoms to a

Feshbach resonances in ultracold gases

April 29, 2010
Chin P. Cheng, R Grimm, Paul S. Julienne, Eite Tiesinga
Feshbach resonances are the essential tool to control the interaction between atoms in ultracold quantum gases. They have found manifold experimental applications, opening up the way to important breakthroughs. This Review gives a broad coverage of the

Multi-level Spectroscopy of Two-Level Systems Coupled to a dc SQUID Phase Qubit

April 7, 2010
T. A. Palomaki, S. K. Dutta, R M. Lewis, A J. Przybysz, B. K. Cooper, H. Kwon, J. R. Anderson, C. J. Lobb, F. C. Wellstood, Eite Tiesinga
We report spectroscopic measurements of discrete two-level systems (TLSs) coupled to a dc SQUID phase qubit with a 16 μm2 area Al/AlOx/Al junction. Applying microwaves in the 10 GHz to 11 GHz range, we found eight avoided level crossings with splitting

Radiofrequency dressing of multiple Feshbach resonances

November 3, 2009
A M. Kaufman, R P. Anderson, Thomas Hanna, Eite Tiesinga, Paul S. Julienne, D S. Hall
We demonstrate and explain the coupling of several proximate Feshbach resonances in $^87}$Rb using radiofrequency (rf) radiation. We present accurate measurements of the resonances and observe the changes in the scattering properties that arise through the

Radiofrequency dressing of multiple Feshbach resonances

November 3, 2009
A M. Kaufman, R P. Anderson, Thomas Hanna, Eite Tiesinga, Paul S. Julienne, D S. Hall
We demonstrate and explain the coupling of several proximate Feshbach resonances in $^87}$Rb using radiofrequency (rf) radiation. We present accurate measurements of the resonances and observe the changes in the scattering properties that arise through the

Effective three-body interactions of neutral atoms in optical lattices

September 15, 2009
Philip Johnson, Eite Tiesinga, James V. Porto, Carl J. Williams
We show that virtual excitations of neutral bosons to higher vibrational states in a three dimensional optical lattice generate effective, tunable, attractive three-body interactions. These effective processes can quickly decohere coherent states held in

Collisional cooling of ultra-cold atom ensembles using Feshbach resonances

September 8, 2009
Ludwig G. Mathey, Eite Tiesinga, Paul S. Julienne, Charles W. Clark
We propose a new type of cooling mechanism for ultra-cold fermionic atom ensembles, which capitalizes on the energy dependence of inelastic collisions in the presence of a Feshbach resonance. We first discuss the case of a single magnetic resonance, and

Counterflow and paired superfluidity in one-dimensional Bose mixtures in optical lattices

August 24, 2009
Anzi A. Hu, Ludwig G. Mathey, Ippei Danshita, Eite Tiesinga, Carl J. Williams, Charles W. Clark
We study the quantum phases of mixtures of ultra-cold bosonic atoms held in an optical lattice that confines motion or hopping to one spatial dimension. The phases are found by using Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid theory as well as the numerical method of time

Number Fluctuations and Energy Dissipation in Sodium Spinor Condensates

June 5, 2009
Yingmei Liu, Eduardo N. Gomez, Stephen E. Maxwell, Lincoln D. Turner, Eite Tiesinga, Paul D. Lett
We characterize fluctuations in atom number and spin populations in F = 1 sodium spinor condensates. The time evolution of the population fluctuations shows a maximum. We interpret this as evidence of a dissipation-driven separatrix crossing in phase space

Multi-channel modeling of the formation of vibrationally cold polar KRb molecules.

May 14, 2009
Svetlana Kotochigova, Eite Tiesinga, Paul S. Julienne
We describe the theoretical advances that influenced the experimental creation of vibrationally and translationally cold polar 40K87Rb molecules [Nature Phys. 4, 622 (2008), Science 322, 231 (2008)]. Cold molecules were created from very-weakly bound

Rotation induced superfluid-normal phase separation in trapped Fermi gases

May 13, 2009
Menderes Iskin, Eite Tiesinga
We use the Bogoliubov-de Gennes formalism to analyze the effects of adiabatic rotation on the ground state phases of harmonically trapped Fermi gases. We find that the rotation breaks Cooper pairs that are located near the trap edge, and that this leads to

Prediction of Feshbach resonances from three input parameters

April 30, 2009
Thomas M. Hanna, Eite Tiesinga, Paul S. Julienne
We have developed a model of Feshbach resonances in gases of ultracold alkali metal atoms using the ideas of quantum defect theory. Our model requires just three parameters - the singlet and triplet scattering lengths, and the coefficient of the long range

Avoided crossings between bound states of ultracold Cesium dimers

November 5, 2008
Jeremy M. Hutson, Eite Tiesinga, Paul S. Julienne
We present a new computational method for calculating bound states of ultracold alkali metal dimers in the presence of magnetic fields. The new method is based on propagation of coupled differential equations and does not use a basis set for the

Multi-level effects in the Rabi oscillations of a Josephson phase qubit

September 15, 2008
S. K. Dutta, H. Paik, T. A. Palomaki, J. R. Anderson, A. J. Dragt, C. J. Lobb, F. C. Wellstood, Frederick Strauch, Kaushik Mitra, Eite Tiesinga
We present Rabi oscillation measurements of an Nb/AlOx/Nb dc SQUID phase qubit with a 100 ¿m2 area junction acquired at 25 mK over a range of microwave power and frequency detuning. Given the slightly anharmonic level structure of the qubit, several