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Search Publications by: Eite Tiesinga (Fed)

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Displaying 76 - 100 of 187

Manipulation of the Collisional Frequency Shift in Caesium Fountain Clocks

September 13, 2007
K Szymaniec, W Chalupczak, S Weyers, R. Wynands, Eite Tiesinga, Carl J. Williams
The frequency shift due to atomic collisions is a major, and in some cases the dominant, limitation to the accuracy of caesium fountain primary frequency standards. A correction for this shift is usually obtained by measuring the frequency of the standard

Cancellation of the Collisional Frequency Shift in Caesium Fountain Clocks

April 13, 2007
K Szymaniec, W Chalupczak, Eite Tiesinga, Carl J. Williams, S Weyers, R. Wynands
We have observed that the collisional frequency shift in primary caesium fountain clocks varies with the clock state population composition and, in particular, is zero for a given fraction of the |F = 4, mF = 0> atoms, depending on the initial cloud

Determination of the Scattering Length of the a3Sigma+ Potential of 87RbCs

February 8, 2007
Eite Tiesinga, M Anderlini, E Arimondo
We have determined the scattering length of the a3Sigma+ potential of 87RbCs based on experimental observations from the literature and the known value for the long-range dispersion coefficient. Our analysis uses quantum defect theory and analytical

Effective-Range Description of a Bose Gas Under Strong Confinement

January 29, 2007
Pascal Naidon, Eite Tiesinga, William F. Mitchell, Paul S. Julienne
We point out in this paper that previous theories describing s-wave collisions of atomic bosons confined in 1D or 2D geometries can be extended to much tighter confinements by simply replacing the scattering length by the effective energy-dependent

Light Force in Ultracold Photoassociation

January 26, 2007
Eduardo Gomez, A T. Black, Lincoln Turner, Eite Tiesinga, Paul D. Lett
We study the time-resolved photoassociation of ultracold sodium in an optical dipole trap. The photoassociation laser excites pairs of atoms to molecular states of large total angular momentum at high intensities (above 20 kW/cm2). Such transitions are

Stationary Phase Approximation for the Strength of Optical Feshbach Resonances

August 7, 2006
R Ciurylo, Eite Tiesinga, Paul S. Julienne
Analytic expressions for the width and shift of a photoassociative resonance or an optically induced Feshbach resonance in ultra-cold collisions are derived using the quasi-classical stationary phase approximation. This approach is applicable over a wider

Controlling Polar Molecules in Optical Lattices

April 17, 2006
Svetlana A. Kotochigova, Eite Tiesinga
We determine conditions for effective quantum control over internal and external degrees of freedom of polar alkali-metal molecules in optical lattices. We show that a relatively modest laser intensity is needed for strong confinement of polar molecules in

Ab Initio Relativistic Calculation of the RbCs Molecule

October 28, 2005
Svetlana A. Kotochigova, Eite Tiesinga
We apply the relativistic configuration interaction valence bond method to calculate various characteristics of the alkali-metal RbCs dimer. These include the electronic potentials and transition dipole moments between the ground and first excited states

Multichannel Quantum-Defect Theory for Slow Atomic Collisions

October 28, 2005
B Gao, Eite Tiesinga, Carl J. Williams, Paul S. Julienne
We present a multichannel quantum-defect theory for slow atomic collisions that takes advantages of the analytic solutions for the long-range potential, and both the energy and the angular-momentum insensitivities of the short-range parameters. The theory

Sodium Bose-Einstein Condensates in an Optical Lattice

October 10, 2005
K Xu, Y Liu, J R. Abo-Shaeer, T Mukaiyama, J K. Chin, D E. Miller, W Ketterle, Kevin Jones, Eite Tiesinga
The phase transition from a superfluid to a Mott insulator has been observed in a 23Na Bose-Einstein condensate. A dye laser detuned 5 nm red of the Na 3 ^2S \rightarrow 3 ^2P_1⁄2 transition was used to form the three dimensional optical lattice. The

Scattering Length Determination From Trapped Pairs of Atoms

August 2, 2005
S Shresta, Eite Tiesinga, E L. Bolda, Carl J. Williams
A method is described for estimating effective scattering lengths via spectroscopy on a trapped pair of atoms. The method relies on the well known phenomena that the energy levels of two atoms in a harmonic trap are shifted by their collisional interaction

Observation of Feshbach Resonances in an Ultracold Gas of 52 Cr

May 9, 2005
J Werner, A Griesmaier, S Hensler, J Stuhler, Tilman Pfau, Andrea Simoni, Eite Tiesinga
We have observed Feshbach resonances in elastic collisions between ultracold 52Cr atoms. This is the first observation of collisional Feshbach resonances in an atomic species with more than one valence electron. The zero nuclear spin of 52Cr and thus the

Precise Determination of 6 Li Cold Collision Parameters by Radio-Frequency Spectroscopy on Weakly Bound Molecules

March 1, 2005
M Bartenstein, A Altmeyer, S Riedl, R Geursen, S Jochim, C Chin, J Hecker Denschlag, R Grimm, Andrea Simoni, Eite Tiesinga, Carl J. Williams, Paul S. Julienne
Radio-frequency spectroscopy on weakly bound 6Li_2 molecules determines to high precision the molecular binding energies and the energy splitting between molecular states. By fitting the measurement to a multi-channel quantum scattering model, we determine

Adaptive Grid Refinement for a Model of Two Confined and Interacting Atoms

February 1, 2005
William F. Mitchell, Eite Tiesinga
We have applied adaptive grid refinement to solve a two-dimensional Schroedinger equation in order to study the feasibility of a quantum computer based on extremely-cold neutral alkali-metal atoms. Qubits are implemented as motional states of an atom

Feshbach Resonances in Fermionic 6 Li

January 1, 2005
C H. Schunck, M W. Zwierlein, C A. Stan, S M. Raupach, W Ketterle, Andrea Simoni, Eite Tiesinga, Carl J. Williams, Paul S. Julienne