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Search Publications by: Jerome LaRosa (Fed)

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Displaying 1 - 19 of 19

Activity measurements and calibrations for 225Ac in radioactive equilibrium with its progeny

December 9, 2024
Denis Bergeron, Gulakhshan Hamad, Brittany Broder, Jeffrey Cessna, Adam Pearce, Jerome LaRosa, Leticia Pibida, Brian E. Zimmerman
The massic activity of 225Ac in 0.1 mol/L HCl was measured by multiple primary methods over four consistent measurement campaigns. Results from the triple-to-double coincidence ratio (TDCR) method of liquid scintillation (LS) counting were in accord with

Calibration strategy of the PROSPECT-II detector with external and intrinsic sources

June 1, 2023
Hans Mumm, Denis E. Bergeron, Mark Tyra, Jerome LaRosa, Svetlana Nour, PROSPECT Collaboration
This paper presents an energy scale calibration scheme for an upgraded reactor antineutrino detector in the Precision Reactor Oscillation and Spectrum Experiment (PROSPECT). The PROSPECT collaboration is preparing the upgraded detector, PROSPECT-II (P-II)

Joint Determination of Reactor Antineutrino Spectra from 235U and 239Pu Fission using the Daya Bay and PROSPECT Experiments

February 22, 2022
Hans Pieter Mumm, Denis E. Bergeron, Mark Tyra, Svetlana Nour, Jerome LaRosa, The PROSPECT Collaboration
A joint determination of the reactor antineutrino spectra resulting from the fission of 235U and 239Pu has been carried out by the Daya Bay and PROSPECT collaborations. This letter defines the level of compatibility of 235U spectrum measurements from the

Joint Measurement of the 235U Antineutrino Spectrum with PROSPECT and STEREO

February 22, 2022
Hans Pieter Mumm, Denis E. Bergeron, Mark Tyra, Jerome LaRosa, Svetlana Nour, PROSPECT collaboration, STEREO collaboration
The PROSPECT and STEREO collaborations present a combined measurement of the pure 235U antineutrino spectrum, with site specific corrections and effects dependent on the separate detectors removed. The spectral measurements of the two highest-precision

Limits on Strongly Interacting Sub-GeV Dark Matter from the PROSPECT Reactor Antineutrino Experiment

July 16, 2021
Hans Pieter Mumm, Denis E. Bergeron, Mark Tyra, Jerome LaRosa, Svetlana Nour, M Andriamirado, A.B. Balantekin, H.R. Band, C.D. Bass, D. Berish, N.S. Bowden, J.P. Brodsky, C.D. Bryan, T. Classen, A.J. Conant, G. Deichert, M.V. Diwan, M.J. Dolinski, A. Erickson, B.T. Foust, J.K. Gaison, A. Galindo-Uribarri, C.E. Gilbert, B.W. Goddard, B.T. Hackett, S. Hans, A.B. Hansell, K.M. Heeger, D.E. Jaffe, X. Ji, D.C. Jones, O. Kyzylova, C.E. Lane, T.J. Langford, B.R. Littlejohn, X. Lu, J. Maricic, M.P. Mendenhall, A.M. Meyer, R. Milincic, I. Mitchell, P.E. Mueller, J. Napolitano, C. Nave, R. Neilson, J.A. Nikkel, D. Norcini, J.L. Palomino, D.A. Pushin, X. Qian, E. Romero-Romero, R. Rosero, P.T. Surukuchi, R.L. Varner, D. Venegas-Vargas, P.B. Weatherly, C. White, J. Wilhelmi, A. Woolverton, M. Yeh, A. Zhang, C. Zhang, X. Zhang
If dark matter has mass lower than around 1 GeV, it will not impart enough energy to cause detectable nuclear recoils in many direct-detection experiments. However, if dark matter is upscattered to high energy by collisions with cosmic rays, it may be

Non-fuel Antineutrino Contributions in the High Flux Isotope Reactor

May 14, 2020
PROSPECT COLLABORATION, Jerome LaRosa, Hans Pieter Mumm, Svetlana Nour, Mark Tyra, Denis E. Bergeron
Reactor neutrino experiments have seen major improvements in precision in recent years. With the experimental uncertainties starting to surpass those from theory, it is important to carefully consider all sources of e in making theoretical predictions

Optimum lithium loading of a liquid scintillator for neutron and neutrino detection

February 11, 2020
Hans Pieter Mumm, Denis E. Bergeron, Mark Tyra, Jerome LaRosa, Svetlana Nour, T.J. Langford, Dimitry A. Pushin
Neutral particle detection in high-background environments is greatly aided by the ability to easily load 6Li into liquid scintillators. We describe a readily available and inexpensive liquid scintillation cocktail stably loaded with up to 1 % Li by mass

Preparation and calibration of a Protactinium-231 reference material

August 22, 2019
Richard Essex, Ross W. Williams, Kerri C. Treinen, Ronald Colle, Ryan P. Fitzgerald, Raphael Galea, John Keightley, Jerome LaRosa, Lizbeth Laureano-Perez, Svetlana Nour, Leticia Pibida
A 231Pa reference material has been characterized for amount of Pa. This reference material is primarily intended for calibration of 233Pa tracers produced for 231Pa - 235U model age measurements associated with nuclear forensics and nuclear safeguards

Measurement of the Antineutrino Spectrum from 235U Fission at HFIR with PROSPECT

June 28, 2019
Hans Pieter Mumm, Denis E. Bergeron, Mark Tyra, Svetlana Nour, Jerome LaRosa
This Letter reports the first measurement of the 235U e energy spectrum by PROSPECT, the Precision Reactor Oscillation and Spectrum experiment, operating 7.9 m from the 85MWth highly-enriched uranium (HEU) High Flux Isotope Reactor. With a surface-based

The PROSPECT Reactor Neutrino Experiment

April 1, 2019
Hans Pieter Mumm, Denis E. Bergeron, Mark Tyra, Jerome LaRosa, Svetlana Nour
The Precision Reactor Oscillation and Spectrum Experiment, PROSPECT, is designed to make both a precise measurement of the antineutrino spectrum from a highly-enriched uranium reactor and to probe eV-scale sterile neutrinos by searching for neutrino

Lithium-loaded Liquid Scintillator Production for the PROSPECT experiment

March 26, 2019
Hans Pieter Mumm, Denis E. Bergeron, Mark Tyra, Svetlana Nour, Jerome LaRosa
This work reports the production and characterization of lithium-loaded liquid scintillators (LiLS) for the Precision Reactor Oscillation and Spectrum Experiment (PROSPECT). Fifty-nine 90 L batches of LiLS (6Li mass fraction 0.082%0.001%) were produced

Observation of antineutrinos from 235U fission by the PROSPECT experiment at HFIR

December 19, 2018
Mark A. Tyra, Denis E. Bergeron, Jerome J. LaRosa, Hans P. Mumm, Svetlana Nour
This letter reports the first observation of antineutrinos from the fission products of highly enriched 235U at the High Flux Isotope Reactor. PROSPECT, the Precision Reactor Oscillation and Spectrum Experiment, consists of a segmented 4 ton 6Li-doped

Natural Uranium Radioactivity Solution Standard: SRM 4321d

December 27, 2017
Ronald Colle, Lizbeth Laureano-Perez, Svetlana Nour, Jerome J. LaRosa, Brian E. Zimmerman, Leticia S. Pibida, Denis E. Bergeron
A new natural uranium solution standard has been produced and will be disseminated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as Standard Reference Material 4321d. The standard is certified for the massic activities of 234U, 235U, and

Ultra-Low Level Plutonium Isotopes in the NIST SRM 4355A (Peruvian Soil-1)

January 9, 2009
Kenneth G. Inn, Jerome LaRosa, Svetlana Nour, James J. Filliben, George Brooks, Stephen Lamont, Rob Steiner, Ross W. Williams, Brad Patton, Debbie Bostick, Gregory Eiden, Steve Petersen, Donna Beals, James Cadieux, Greg Hall, Steve Goldenberg, Stephen Vogt
For more than 20 years, countries and their agencies which monitor discharge sites and storage facilities have relied on the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Standard Reference Material (SRM) 4355 Peruvian Soil reference material. Its

Characterization of the NIST Seaweed Standard Reference Material

January 1, 2006
O Outola, J Filliben, Kenneth G. Inn, Jerome LaRosa, C A. McMahon, G A. Peck, J Twining, S G. Tims, L K. Fifield, P Smedley, M P. Ant {?}n, C Gasc {?}, P Povinec, M K. Pham, A Raaum, H -. Wei, G C. Krijger, P Bouisset, A E. Litherland, W E. Kieser, M Betti, L Aldave de las heras, G H. Hong, E Holm, L Skipperud, A V. Harms, A Arinc, M Youngman, D Arnold, H Wershofen, D S. Sill, S Bohrer, H Dahlgaard, I W. Croudace, P E. Warwick, T K. Ik{amlat}heimonen, S Klemola, S M. Vakulovsky, J A. Sanchez-cabeza