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Search Publications by: Mark O. McLinden (Fed)

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Displaying 1 - 25 of 102

The Four-sinker Densimeter: A New Instrument for the Combined Investigation of Accurate Densities and Sorption Phenomena of Gases and Gas Mixtures

February 29, 2024
Luca Bernadini, Reiner Kleinrahm, Katharina Moritz, Mark O. McLinden, Markus Richter
An apparatus for high-accuracy gas density and adsorption measurements over the range of temperature from (193 to 423) K and pressure from (0 to 15) MPa is described. This instrument is based on the two-sinker densimetry principle and incorporates a

The Magnetic Suspension Balance - 40 Years of Advancing Densimetry and Sorption Science Xiaoxian Yang1, Reiner Kleinrahm2, Mark O. McLinden3, Markus Richter1,

November 7, 2023
Xiaoxian Yang, Reiner Kleinrahm, Mark O. McLinden, Markus Richter
This paper reviews the 40-year evolution and application of the magnetic-suspension balance (MSB) and discusses some challenging issues of the technique. A MSB, as we define it here, is a magnetic-suspension coupling (MSC) connected with an analytical

High-Pressure Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Measurements of Methane + Water Mixtures by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

October 31, 2023
Samantha Miller, Chris Suiter, Mark O. McLinden, Jason A. Widegren, Nancy Levinger, Bret Windom, Michael Sartini
Accurate vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) data are required to predict the condensation of low-volatility components in natural gas pipelines. Here we apply 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to measure the VLE of methane + water mixtures at

Non-flammable Low-GWP Refrigerant Blends to Replace HFC-134a

September 11, 2023
Harrison M. Skye, Piotr A. Domanski, Mark O. McLinden, Valeri I. Babushok, Ian Bell, Tara Fortin, Michael Hegetschweiler, Mark A. Kedzierski, Dennis Kim, Lingnan Lin, Gregory T. Linteris, Stephanie L. Outcalt, Vance (Wm.) Payne, Richard A. Perkins, Aaron Rowane
Non-flammable, lower global-warming-potential (GWP) refrigerants are needed to replace HFC-134a (GWP=1300) in military equipment. We previously used thermodynamic cycle simulations to screen 100 000+ refrigerant blends and identified 23 candidate

Compressed liquid density and speed of sound measurements and correlation of the binary mixture Carbon dioxide (CO2) + 1,1-difluoroethene (R1132a)} at temperatures from 220 K to 350 K

August 25, 2023
Davide Menegazzo, Aaron Rowane, Laura Fedele, Sergio Bobbo, Giulia Lombardo, Mark O. McLinden
The blend of carbon dioxide and R1132a has been suggested as feasible alternative to R23 in low-temperature devices. In this work, we present a new set of experimental data for compressed-liquid density, vapour density and compressed-liquid speed of sound

Lower-GWP Non-Flammable Refrigerant Blends to Replace HFC-134a

August 21, 2023
Harrison M. Skye, Piotr A. Domanski, Mark O. McLinden, Valeri I. Babushok, Ian Bell, Tara Fortin, Michael Hegetschweiler, Marcia L. Huber, Mark A. Kedzierski, Dennis Kim, Lingnan Lin, Gregory T. Linteris, Stephanie L. Outcalt, Vance (Wm.) Payne, Richard A. Perkins, Aaron Rowane
Non-flammable, lower global-warming-potential (GWP) refrigerants are needed to replace HFC-134a (GWP=1300) in military equipment. We previously used thermodynamic cycle simulations to screen 100 000+ refrigerant blends and identified 23 candidate

Low-GWP Non-Flammable Alternative Refrigerant Blends for HFC-134a: Final Report

January 27, 2023
Piotr A. Domanski, Mark O. McLinden, Valeri I. Babushok, Ian Bell, Tara Fortin, Michael Hegetschweiler, Marcia L. Huber, Mark A. Kedzierski, Dennis Kim, Lingnan Lin, Gregory T. Linteris, Stephanie L. Outcalt, Vance (Wm.) Payne, Richard A. Perkins, Aaron Rowane, Harrison M. Skye
This project addresses the objectives of the Statement of Need number WPSON-17-20 "No/Low Global Warming Potential Alternatives to Ozone Depleting Refrigerants." Its goal was to identify low global-warming-potential (GWP), non-flammable refrigerants to

Liquid-Phase Speed of Sound and Vapor-Phase Density of Difluoromethane

September 23, 2022
Aaron Rowane, Elizabeth Rasmussen, Mark O. McLinden
Difluoromethane (HFC-32, DFM), with a global warming potential (GWP) of 677, is of interest as a pure refrigerant and as a component in low-GWP refrigerant mixtures. Additionally, difluoromethane has recently been identified as a safe, liquefied-gas

Properties of Refrigerants

June 22, 2022
Marcia L. Huber, Mark O. McLinden
This table gives physical properties, safe exposure limits, GWP and ODP for compounds that have been used as working fluids in traditional refrigeration systems or are under consideration as replacements in newer systems. Some are also used as solvents

Working fluid selection for heat pumps in solar district heating systems

March 10, 2022
Shengqing Xiao, Dimitri Nefodov, Mark O. McLinden, Markus Richter, Thorsten Urbaneck
In the context of the global energy transition, solar energy holds a promising potential as an energy source for a sustainable heat supply. Solar thermal collector in combination with heat pump technology utilizing electricity from renewable sources, such

Low-GWP Alternative Refrigerant Blends for HFC-134a: Interim Report

October 13, 2021
Piotr A. Domanski, Mark O. McLinden, Valeri I. Babushok, Ian Bell, Tara Fortin, Michael Hegetschweiler, Mark A. Kedzierski, Dennis Kim, Lingnan Lin, Gregory T. Linteris, Stephanie L. Outcalt, Richard A. Perkins, Aaron Rowane, Harrison M. Skye
This project addresses the objectives of the Statement of Need number WPSON-17-20 "No/Low Global Warming Potential Alternatives to Ozone Depleting Refrigerants." Its goal is to identify and demonstrate performance of low global-warming-potential (GWP), non

Survey of Data and Models for Refrigerant Mixtures Containing Halogenated Olefins

June 1, 2021
Ian Bell, Demian Riccardi, Ala Bazyleva, Mark O. McLinden
We survey existing data for refrigerant blends containing halogenated olefins (hydrofluoroolefins (HFO), hydrochlorofluoroolefins (HCFO), and hydrochloroolefins (HCO)) in the open literature. The data are primarily taken from the NIST SOURCE database and

New refrigerants and system configurations for vapor compression refrigeration

November 13, 2020
Mark O. McLinden, Christopher J. Seeton, Andy Pearson
The high global warming potential (GWP) of current refrigerants in cooling equipment based on the vapor-compression cycle has triggered a major effort to find and implement more environmentally benign alternatives. Here, we review the basics of the vapor

The Status of Thermodynamic Data and Models for CF3I and its Mixtures

July 24, 2020
Ian H. Bell, Mark O. McLinden
There is a renewed interest in the use of the refrigerant CF3I for refrigeration and air conditioning applications, driven by its low global warming potential (equivalent to CO2), and very low (but nonzero) ozone depletion potential. In this paper we will

The (R)Evolution of Refrigerants

July 2, 2020
Mark O. McLinden, Marcia L. Huber
As we enter the "fourth generation" of refrigerants, we consider the evolution of refrigerant molecules, the ever-changing constraints and regulations that have driven the need to consider new molecules, and the advancements in the tools and property

Uncertainty analysis of adsorption measurements using commercial gravimetric sorption analyzers with simultaneous density measurement based on a magnetic-suspension balance

April 27, 2020
Xiaoxian Yang, Reiner Kleinrahm, Mark O. McLinden, Markus Richter
A commercial gravimetric sorption analyzer, which is based on a magnetic-suspension balance, was significantly improved to reduce the uncertainty in adsorption measurements. In a previous paper, we investigated the force-transmission error (FTE) of the

Options for Low-GWP Refrigerants

November 6, 2019
Mark O. McLinden, Andrei F. Kazakov, J S. Brown, Riccardo Brignoli, Ian H. Bell, Piotr A. Domanski
We summarize a systematic examination of possible low-GWP (global warming potential) replacements for the HFC (hydrofluorocarbon) refrigerants currently used in small air-conditioning systems. The methodology identified the optimal thermodynamic parameters

Thermodynamics of the New Refrigerants

August 24, 2019
Mark O. McLinden
As the refrigeration industry moves towards low-GWP refrigerants the number of acceptable refrigerants is decreasing due to new environmental constraints, but, at the same time, a variety of new options are becoming available. These "new" refrigerants

Thermophysical Properties of Polyol Ester Lubricants

August 20, 2019
Thomas J. Bruno, Tara Fortin, Marcia L. Huber, Arno D. Laesecke, Eric Lemmon, Elisabeth Mansfield, Mark O. McLinden, Stephanie L. Outcalt, Richard A. Perkins, Kimberly N. Urness, Jason A. Widegren
This report summarizes the results of work performed for the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Applied Chemicals and Materials Division on the properties of polyol ester lubricants