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Search Publications by: Matthew Hummon (Fed)

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Displaying 1 - 13 of 13

Wafer-scale fabrication of evacuated alkali vapor cells

August 28, 2024
Yang Li, Matthew Hummon, Susan Schima, John Kitching, DONGGYU SOHN
We describe a process for fabricating a wafer-scale array of alkali metal vapor cells with low residual gas pressure. We show that by etching long, thin channels between the cells on the Si wafer surface, the residual gas pressure in the evacuated vapor

Next-Generation Chip-Scale Atomic Clocks

October 16, 2023
John Kitching, Matthew Hummon, William McGehee, Ying-Ju Wang, Susan Schima
We describe work toward the development of next-generation chip-scale atomic clocks, which combine small size, low power consumption and manufacturability with high frequency stability. The use of optical transitions in microfabricated vapor cells improves

Microfabricated strontium atomic vapor cells

January 5, 2023
Jacob Pate, John Kitching, Matthew Hummon
We demonstrate strontium (Sr) atomic vapor cells having a total external volume of 0.63 cm3 that can operate above 300 °C for times exceeding 380 h. The cells are fabricated using micromachined silicon frames anodically bonded to glass windows that have a

High-performance, compact optical standard

September 15, 2021
Zachary Newman, Vincent N. Maurice, Tara Fortier, Connor Fredrick, Scott Diddams, John Kitching, Matthew Hummon
We describe a high-performance, compact optical frequency standard based on a microfabricated Rb vapor cell and a low-noise, external cavity diode laser operating on the Rb two-photon transition at 778 nm. The optical standard achieves an instability of 1

A miniaturized optical frequency standard for next generation portable optical clocks

August 7, 2020
Vincent N. Maurice, Zachary Newman, Susannah Dickerson, Morgan Rivers, Mark Mescher, John LeBlanc, John Kitching, Matthew Hummon, Cort Johnson
This paper describes the development and measurement of a miniaturized optical frequency standard based on the rubidium two-photon transition at 778 nm. The optical standard has been implemented on a micro-optics breadboard and operates on

General Methods for Suppressing the Light Shift in Atomic Clocks Using Power Modulation

August 3, 2020
V Yudin, M. Y. Basalaev, A. V. Taichenachev, Juniper Pollock, Zachary Newman, Moshe Shuker, Azure L. Hansen, Matthew Hummon, Elizabeth Donley, John Kitching
We show that the light shift in atomic clocks can be suppressed using time variation of the interrogation field intensity. By measuring the clock output at two intensity levels, error signals can be generated that simultaneously stabilize a local

A chip-scale optical frequency reference for the telecommunication band based on acetylene

March 16, 2020
Roy Zektzer, Matthew T. Hummon, Liron Stern, Yefim Barash, Noa Mazurski, John Kitching, Levy Uriel
Lasers precisely stabilized to known transitions between energy levels in simple, well-isolated quantum systems such as atoms and molecules are highly desired for myriad of applications ranging from precise measurements to optical communications. The

Atomic flux circuits

February 23, 2020
Douglas Bopp, Ellyse Taylor, Khoa Le, Susan Schima, Matthew Hummon, John Kitching
Atomic vapors are a crucial platform for precision metrology but in their simplest implementation, a thermal vapor, the intrinsic optical resonances are broadened due to the random and isotropic thermal motion of the atoms. By structuring the container of

Architecture for the photonic integration of an optical atomic clock

May 20, 2019
Zachary L. Newman, Vincent N. Maurice, Tara E. Drake, Jordan R. Stone, Travis Briles, Daryl T. Spencer II, Connor D. Fredrick, Qing Li, Daron A. Westly, Bojan R. Ilic, B. Shen, M.-G Suh, K. Y. Yang, C Johnson, D.M. S. Johnson, Leo Hollberg, K. Vahala, Kartik A. Srinivasan, Scott A. Diddams, John E. Kitching, Scott B. Papp, Matthew T. Hummon
Optical atomic clocks, which rely on high-frequency, narrow-line optical transitions to stabilize a clock laser, outperform their microwave counterparts by several orders of magnitude due to their inherently large quality factors. Optical clocks based on

Photonic chip for laser stabilization to an atomic vapor at a precision of $10^{-11}$

April 11, 2018
Matthew T. Hummon, Songbai Kang, Douglas G. Bopp, Qing Li, Daron A. Westly, Sangsik Kim, Connor D. Fredrick, Scott A. Diddams, Kartik A. Srinivasan, John E. Kitching
We perform precision spectroscopy of rubidium confined in a micro-machined, 27~mm$^3$ volume, vapor cell using a collimated free space 120~$\bm{\mu}$m diameter laser beam derived directly from a single mode silicon nitride waveguide. With this optical

Microresonator Brillouin laser stabilization using a microfabricated rubidium cell

June 17, 2016
William Loh, Matthew T. Hummon, Holly Leopardi, Tara Fortier, Franklyn Quinlan, John Kitching, Scott Papp, Scott Diddams
We frequency stabilize the output of a miniature stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) laser to rubidium atoms in a microfabricated cell to realize a laser system with frequency stability at the 10-11 level over seven decades in averaging time. In addition

NIST on a Chip: Realizing SI units with microfabricated alkali vapour cells

October 16, 2015
John E. Kitching, Elizabeth A. Donley, Svenja A. Knappe, Matthew T. Hummon, Argyrios Dellis, Jeffrey A. Sherman, Kartik A. Srinivasan, Vladimir A. Aksyuk, Qiliang Li, Daron A. Westly, Brian J. Roxworthy, Amit Lal
We describe several ways in which microfabricated alkali atom vapour cells might potentially be used to accurately realize a variety of SI units, including the second, the meter, the kelvin, the ampere and the volt, in a compact, low-cost “chip-scale”