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(Return to Cement Hydration and Degradation Modeling Software) The 4SIGHT computer program was written to facilitate concrete performance prediction under

Biometric Testing Software

NIST/ITL has had a long history of supporting biometric data interchange formats by developing conformance testing software. These suites of software are


Life-cycle costing software for preliminary bridge design BridgeLCC is user-friendly life-cycle costing software developed by the National Institute of


(Return to Cement Hydration and Degradation Modeling Software) Version 1.0 of CEMHYD3D included three computer programs (statsimp.c, corrcalc.c, and corrxy2r.c)


CFAST (Consolidated Model of Fire and Smoke Transport) is a computer program that helps users understand how fire and smoke spread through a building.


(Return to Cement Hydration and Degradation Modeling Software) WindowsTM-based software for estimating the service life of concrete pavements and bridge

Concrete Electrical Conductivity Test

(Return to Cement Hydration and Degradation Modeling Software) The purpose of this form is to compute the results of a bulk electrical conductivity of concrete

Concrete Optimization Software Tool

(Return to Cement Hydration and Degradation Modeling Software) COST (Concrete Optimization Software Tool) is an online design/analysis system to assist concrete


DEXML is a tool based on the Unified Modeling Language (UML) to aid in specifying and implementing data exchange specifications (known as DEXs) for Product

Exercise Control System

The Systems Integration Division's (SID) Manufacturing & Modeling Simulation Group (MSG) worked with San Francisco Communications to support the MapLab Project


* Download Expect source from SourceForge * Download Expect binaries from ActiveState* Expect Homepage Expect is a tool for automating interactive applications

FDS and Smokeview

Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) is a computational model for smoke and heat transport from fires. Smokeview visualizes the output from FDS and CFAST.

Fingerprint Minutiae Viewer (FpMV)

Current Release: FpMV : Release BETA 3.0 About The Fingerprint Minutiae Viewer (FpMV) distribution is developed by the National Institute of Standards and


gppois is a Bayesian tool for learning about a smooth function based on noisy measurements of its values. Users train a model of the true function on the noisy


An electron hologram is a fringe modulated image containing the amplitude and phase information of an electron transparent object. The HolograFREE routines


Stage Description Type File Format Size Date OS NIST ICSGenerator 3.9.4 Executable Application ZIP 17 MB Nov 18, 2013 Windows, Linux

IFC File Analyzer

The IFC File Analyzer generates a spreadsheet or CSV files from an IFC file. IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) is the data exchange standard used to facilitate