Download the full report.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has now closed the comment period on the NIST Internal Report 8351-DRAFT “DNA Mixture Interpretation: A NIST Scientific Foundation Review.” All comments received as part of the public record have been compiled into a single PDF document, which may be downloaded from here [Public-Comments-NISTIR8351draft.pdf]. Note that this is a large file (446 pages, 27 MB) and depending on your internet speed, may require some time to download. On Friday, December 3, we discovered that the redaction we applied made some comments difficult to read. We have corrected these errors and uploaded a new version to replace the original file. This action was performed at 5pm EST, December 3, 2021.
What are DNA Mixtures? And why are they sometimes so difficult to interpret? To find out, read DNA Mixtures: A Forensic Science Explainer.
NIST hosted a 3-hour webinar to discuss the draft report and its findings on July 21, 2021. To watch a recording of the webinar click here.
For more information on this and other NIST Scientific Foundation Reviews, visit our Scientific Foundation Reviews page.