Interdisciplinary Subcommittee
- ANSI/ASTM E2917-24a Standard Practice for Forensic Science Practitioner Training, Continuing Education, and Professional Development Programs (added October 1, 2024)
- ANSI/ASTM E3255-21 Standard Practice for Quality Assurance of Forensic Science Service Providers Performing Forensic Chemical Analysis (added November 2, 2021)
- ANSI/NIST ITL-1:2011 (Update 2015) Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial and Other Biometric Information (added November 3, 2020)
- ISO 21043-2 Forensic Sciences - Part 2: Recognition, recording, collecting, transport and storage of items (added December 3, 2019)
- ISO/IEC 17020:2012 Conformity Assessment - Requirements for the Operation of Various Types of Bodies Performing Inspection (added June 7, 2022)
- ISO/IEC 17025:2017 General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories (added June 18, 2019)
Published by a Standards Developing Organization (SDO); [Pending Evaluation & OSAC Acceptance for Registry]
At an SDO for Further Development & Publication
- ASTM E1492-11(2x) Standard Practice for Receiving, Documenting, Storing, and Retrieving Evidence in a Forensic Science Laboratory
- ASTM E1732-2x (WK93033) Terminology Relating to Forensic Science
- ASTM WK72441 Practice for Developing Discipline Specific Methodology for ACE-V
- ASTM WK77530 Practice for Forensic Integrity Training
- ASTM WK84882 Practice for Testimony for Forensic Science Practitioners
- ASTM WK92088-2x Practice for Validation and Verification of Analytical Methods for Forensic Science Service Providers Performing Forensic Chemical Analyses