This Competition Closed 20 November 2020. Thank you to all participants.
Preeminent Bayh-Dole expert, Mr. Allen is a 30 year veteran of national efforts to foster public private partnerships to commercialize the outcomes of Federal R&D funding. Mr. Allen was a Professional Staffer on the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee to former Senator Birch Bayh and played a key part in the successful passage of the landmark Bayh-Dole Act of 1980 and its subsequent amendments.
Ms. Ku is an internationally recognized leader in the field of technology transfer. She served as the Executive Director of the Office of Technology Licensing at Stanford University for 27 years. Ms. Ku is the chief licensing advisor in the Palo Alto office of Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati and a member of the technology transactions and the patents and innovations practice groups.
Mr. Dobbs is the Deputy Chief Counsel for Intellectual Property of the U.S. Department of Energy. He is a key contributor to the Interagency Work Group on Bayh-Dole, an interagency group advising the NIST development of the redesigned iEdison Bayh-Dole reporting system.