The FSSB’s Quality Task Group is primarily comprised of at least one member from each OSAC subcommittee to provide a quality perspective for the subcommittee. Task group members are selected based on their experience and roles in quality assurance/control including quality assurance techniques such as lean six sigma, root cause analysis, quality audits, problem solving, project planning, risk management, and the use of quality tools/concepts and/or performing assessments/audits to those requirements. The group is available for consulting with the FSSB and all OSAC committees on quality related issues. Task group members work together to provide guidance and resources to the FSSB and OSAC committees on issues of quality and to review and submit comments on standards, technical publications, definitions, and other OSAC and FSSB documents, with an emphasis on the quality aspects and impacts on forensic science results.
Amanda Black, Task Group Chair, Washington State Patrol (member of OSAC's Forensic Toxicology Subcommittee)
Ranee Ho, Task Group Vice Chair, Onondaga County Center for Forensic Sciences (member of OSAC's Forensic Anthropology Subcommittee)
Vacant, Task Group Executive Secretary
Jennifer Badger, Pennsylvania State Police Bureau of Forensic Services (member of OSAC's Forensic Nursing Subcommittee)
Amanda Black, Washington State Patrol (member of OSAC's Forensic Toxicology Subcommittee)
Jason Bundy, Florida Department of Law Enforcement (Vice Chair of OSAC's Biology SAC and member of OSAC's Terminology Task Group)
Allison Getz, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Christopher Hamburg, ANSI National Accreditation Board (Vice Chair of OSAC's Footwear & Tire Subcommittee)
Rachel Houston, Sam Houston University (member of OSAC's Wildlife Forensic Biology Subcommittee)
Catherine Knutson, Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (member of OSAC's Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Subcommittee)
Jesse Lindmar, Virginia Department of Forensic Science (member of OSAC's Digital Evidence Subcommittee)
Melanie McMillin, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives (member of OSAC's Fire and Explosion Subcommittee and Terminology Task Group)
Jackeline Moral, Houston Forensic Science Center (member of OSAC's VITAL Subcommittee)
Rebecca Mullen, Arkansas State Crime Laboratory (member of OSAC's Firearms & Toolmarks Subcommittee)
Lori Nix, Georgia Bureau of Investigation (member of OSAC's Facial & Iris Identification Subcommittee & Terminology Task Group member)
Jane Northrup, Rhode Island State Crime Laboratory (Executive Secretary of OSAC's Crime Scene Investigation & Reconstruction Subcommittee)
Delilah Ortiz-Meyer, US Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory (USACIL) (member of OSAC's Friction Ridge Subcommittee)
Lawrence Potier, Federal Bureau of Investigation (member of OSAC's Digital Multimedia SAC)
Koren Powers, West Virginia State Police Forensic Laboratory (member of OSAC's Ignitable Liquids, Explosives & GSR Subcommittee)
Sarah Pryor, Texas Department of Public Safety Crime Laboratory (member of OSAC's Forensic Document Examination Subcommittee)
Jennifer Remy, North Carolina State Crime Laboratory (member of OSAC's Trace Materials Subcommittee)
Brittney Rollison, American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) (member of OSAC's Seized Drugs Subcommittee)