Use the Baldrige Excellence Builder®, an abridged version of the Baldrige Excellence Framework®, to answer key questions for improving your organization's performance.
Conduct a self-assessment using the Baldrige Excellence Framework and its 36+ years of best practices. Below are six steps for conducting a self-assessment. We encourage you to modify this process to meet your own organizational needs.
Step 1. Identify the boundaries/scope of the assessment
The self-assessment might cover the entire organization, a subunit, a division, or a department.
Step 2. Select Champions
Then select seven champions, one for each category in the Baldrige Excellence Builder® or Criteria. These champions each lead a team in preparing responses to the questions in a Criteria Category. If they have not already done so, have the champions prepare an Organizational Profile describing your organization and its challenges.
Step 3. Select Category teams, and collect data and information to answer the questions
The champions select Category teams, and the teams collect information and data in response to the questions in their respective Categories.
Step 4. Share the answers to the questions among the Category teams
In sharing the answers, the Category teams identify common themes.
Step 5. Create and communicate an action plan for improvement
Each Category team creates and communicates an action plan for improvement based on their answers and organizational priorities. The Self-Analysis Worksheet can help your Category teams identify strengths and opportunities, set priorities, and develop action plans.
Step 6. Evaluate the self-assessment process, and identify possible improvements
Senior leaders, champions, and teams evaluate the self-assessment and think about ways to improve it.
Step 7. Contact Your Alliance for Performance Excellence Program
Baldrige-based programs that are members of the nationwide Alliance for Performance Excellence network offer assessments against the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence® and provide other services to organizations that are striving to improve their performance, earn recognition as they progress along their improvement journeys, and ultimately achieve the levels of performance necessary to compete for the national award.