President Biden signed the bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act into law on August 9, 2022. The Department of Commerce is overseeing $50 billion to revitalize the U.S. semiconductor industry and strengthen the country’s economic and national security. Of that sum, CHIPS for America within the U.S. Department of Commerce is responsible for administering $11 billion to advance U.S. leadership in semiconductor research and development (R&D) through four programs:
CHIPS for America has released the following Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFO) for CHIPS R&D Programs:
October 30, 2024: NOFO: CHIPS AI/AE for Rapid, Industry-informed Sustainable Semiconductor Materials and Processes (CARISSMA) Competition
The U.S. Department of Commerce issued a NOFO for activities that will use cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) and autonomous experimentation (AE) technologies to support the long-term viability of next-generation semiconductor manufacturing.
CHIPS for America anticipates that the total Federal funds available under CARISSMA will be up to approximately $100 million with individual awards ranging from approximately $20 million to $40 million.
Expected participants include teams of universities and other research entities with significant experience in artificial intelligence-powered autonomous experimentation (AI/AE); semiconductor industry partners; emerging research institutions; and civil society organizations focused on environmental sustainability or human health and safety
Concept papers are due on January 13, 2025.
On November 8, 2024, CHIPS for America hosted a webinar to provide general information regarding this NOFO. The presentation and recording are posted on the Webinars and Events page.
On November 15, 2024, the CHIPS Research and Development Office will host a one-day hybrid meeting for potential applicants to this funding opportunity. You can register here.
October 18, 2024: NOFO: CHIPS National Advanced Packaging Manufacturing Program (NAPMP)
May 5, 2024: NOFO: CHIPS Manufacturing USA institute
Update: On January 3, 2025, CHIPS for America awarded the Semiconductor Research Corporation Manufacturing Consortium Corporation (SRC) $285 million to establish and operate a Manufacturing USA institute headquartered in Durham, North Carolina. Learn more about the award here.
February 28, 2024: NOFO: CHIPS NAPMP Materials and Substrates Research and Development
A fact sheet on the CHIPS Manufacturing USA institute NOFO can be found here.
A fact sheet on the CHIPS NAPMP NOFO can be found here.
Learn more about the CHIPS Metrology SBIR NOFO here.
CHIPS R&D Commercial Viability and Domestic Production (CVDP) Plan Guidebook (PDF)
CHIPS R&D Education and Workforce Development (EWD) Plan Guidebook
For questions, please email askchips [at] (askchips[at]chips[dot]gov).