OSAC Lexicon
The OSAC Lexicon is a compendium of forensic science terms and definitions. This terminology tool was created to help bring consistency and understanding to the way terms are used by the various forensic science. Use of the OSAC Lexicon does not replace the need to reference the original published source.
The terms and definitions in the OSAC Lexicon come from the published literature, including documentary standards and technical reports. It is continually updated with the latest work from OSAC units, as well as terms from newly published documentary standards and standards elevated to the OSAC Registry.
Gradually terms are evaluated and harmonized by the OSAC to a single term. This process results in an OSAC Preferred Term. An OSAC Preferred Term is a term, along with its definition, that has undergone review and evaluation by the FSSB Terminology Task Group and has been approved by the FSSB. The FSSB recommends that subcommittees use OSAC Preferred Terms when drafting standards.
The OSAC Lexicon should be the primary resource for terminology and used when drafting and editing forensic science standards and other OSAC work products.
Surface topography measurement method consisting of a confocal microscope with chromaticobjective integrated with a detection device (e.g., spectrometer) whereby the surface height at asingle point is sensed by the wavelength of light reflected from the surface.
Surface topography measurement method whereby a pinhole object illuminated by the light sourceis imaged by a lens onto the surface being studied and the light is reflected back through the lens toa second pinhole placed in front of a detector and acting as a spatial filter.
Fulfillment of specified requirements.
Demonstration that specified requirements relating to a product, process, system, person, or body are fulfilled. Conformity assessment may include testing, inspection, and certification, as well as the accreditation of conformity assessment bodies. First-party conformity assessment activity is performed by the person or organization that provides the object. Second-party conformity assessment activity is performed by a person or organization that has a user interest in the object. Persons or organization performing second-party conformity assessment activities include, for example, purchasers or users of products, or potential customers seeking to rely on a suppliers management system, or organizations representing those interests. Third party conformity assessment activity is performed by a person or body that is independent of the person or organization that provides the object, and of user interests in that object.
A body, other than an accreditation body, that performs conformity assessment services.
Equivalence of conformity assessment results is the sufficiency of different conformity assessment results to provide the same level of assurance of conformity with regard to the same specified requirements. Recognition of conformity assessment results is the acknowledgement of the validity of a conformity assessment result provided by another person or body. Acceptance of conformity assessment results is the use of a conformity assessment result provided by another person or body. Unilateral arrangement is an arrangement whereby one party recognizes or accepts the conformity assessment results of another party. Bilateral arrangement is an arrangement whereby two parties recognize or accept each other's conformity assessment results. Multilateral arrangement is an arrangement whereby more than two parties recognize or accept one another's conformity assessment results. Agreement groups are bodies that are signatories to the agreement on which an arrangement is based. Reciprocity is a relationship between two parties where both have the same rights and obligations towards each other. Reciprocity can exist within a multilateral arrangement comprising a network of bilateral reciprocal relationships. Although rights and obligations are the same, opportunities emanating from them can differ, which can lead to unequal relationships between parties. Equal treatment is treatment accorded to products or processes from one supplier that is no less favourable than that accorded to like products or processes from any other supplier, in a comparable situation. National treatment is treatment accorded to products or processes originating in other countries that is no less favourable than that accorded to like products or processes of national origin, in a comparable situation. Equal and national treatment is treatment accorded to products or processes originating in other countries that is no less favourable than that accorded to like products or processes of national origin, or originating in any other country, in a comparable situation.
Conformity assessment system related to specified objects of conformity assessment, to which the same specified requirements, specific rules, and procedures apply. Conformity assessment schemes may be operated at international, regional, national, or sub-national level. Access to a system or scheme is the opportunity for an applicant to obtain conformity assessment under the rules of the system or scheme. A participant in a system or scheme is a body that operates under the applicable rules without having the opportunity to take part in the management of the system or scheme. A member of a system or scheme is a body that operates under the applicable rules and has the opportunity to take part in the management of the system or scheme.
Rules, procedures, and management for carrying out conformity assessment. Conformity assessment schemes may be operated at international, regional, national, or sub-national level.
A characteristic present at birth.
A value that serves as an agreed-upon reference for comparison that is based on results of laboratories participating in the proficiency test.
A type of examination in which a reported decision or conclusion is determined that reflects the collective judgement of a group of examiners.
Consistent measures are those where repeated measurements of the same thing produce the same results. (See reliability.)
Obtaining a similar output, within an acceptable limited range of variation (as defined by the laboratory protocol and validation data), when using the same methods and procedures over time.
Obtaining a similar output, within an acceptable limited range of variation (as defined by the laboratory protocol and validation data), when using the same methods and procedures over time
Particles that have compositions that are found in GSR and also arise from other non-firearm sources. DiscussionParticles within this group are pro- duced through the operation of a variety of processes, equipment, or devices and can be found in the environment with varying levels of frequency.
Particles that have compositions that are also found in particles from a number of relatively common, non-firearm sources. Particles within this group are produced through the operation of a variety of processes, equipment, or devices and can be found in the environment with varying levels of frequency
This is a NIEM schema that adds additional constraints and restrictions to components.A constraint schema was used in the 2008 version of the standard to add cardinalityconstraints to schemas that were automatically generated by a NIEM tool called SSGT(Subset Schema Generator Tool). The tool has been updated to directly specifycardinality constraints in the NIEM subset schema, so constraint schemas are no longerprovided. However, an implementer is permitted to define their own constraint schemato add further restrictions to the standard. An example is to only allow certain recordtypes in a transaction.
A discussion or interaction initiated by an examiner seeking guidance for the purpose of interpreting an image or comparison.
A format that describes how the data and metadata are stored in a computer file.
The unintentional introduction of exogenous DNA or other biological material in a DNA sample, PCR reaction, or item of evidence; the exogenous DNA or biological material could be present before the sample is collected or introduced during collection or testing of the sample.
An odor/scent that is inadvertently or purposefully introduced. Contamination can include the following: contamination of a search area with a target scent or contamination of a target aid with competing odor/scent.
An odor/scent that is inadvertently or purposefully introduced. Contamination can include the following: contamination of a search area with a target scent or contamination of a target aid with competing odor/scent.
The unintentional introduction of exogenous materials or substances into a test sample.
When an odor/scent is inadvertently or purposefully introduced. Contamination can include the following: contamination of a search area with a target odor/scent or contamination of a target aid with competing odor/scent.
The unintentional introduction of exogenous materials or substances into a test sample.
The unintentional introduction of exogenous DNA or other biological material in a DNA sample, PCR reaction, or item of evidence; the exogenous DNA or biological material could be present before the sample is collected or introduced during collection or testing of the sample.
When an odor/scent is inadvertently introduced. Contamination can include the following: contamination of a search area with a target odor/scent or contamination of a target aid with competing odor/scent.
Exogenous DNA in an extract, polymerase chain reaction, or item of evidence, which may be present before the sample is collected or introduced during collection or testing of the sample.
Exogenous DNA or other biological material in a DNA sample, PCR reaction, or item of evidence; present before the sample is collected or introduced during collection or testing of the sample
Undesirable introduction of a substance to an item at any point in the forensic process. NOTE This includes undesirable transfer of a substance within an item or between items, also referred to as cross-contamination. (ISO 21043-1)
Of target: any odor/scent not ordinarily part of a target odor/scent signature. Of area: any odor/scent not normally part of the context of that area.
Experiments performed to assess the risk that unintended material may be introduced into a sample from test assay components, instrumentation, the operator, or test procedures.
Existing at or occurring at the same period of time. In Record Type-11, the phrase contemporaneous capture of a voice signal indicates recording of the voice signal atthe time of the speaker vocalization.
Additional related image, audio, or waveform data in support of a biometric record.
The mechanism through which a forensic science practitioner increases or updates knowledge, skills, or abilities (KSAs), reinforces knowledge, or learns of the latest research, developments, or technology related to his or her profession
the mechanism through which a forensic science practitioner increases or updates knowledge, skills, or abilities (KSAs), reinforces knowledge, or learns of the latest research, developments, or technology related to his or her profession.
the mechanism through which a forensic science practitioner increases or updates knowledge, skills, or abilities (KSAs), reinforces knowledge, or learns of the latest research, developments, or technology related to his or her profession.
A schedule of reinforcement where every occurrence of the behavior is reinforced.
An article or substance that is prohibited by law or regulation within a specific area.
Material of known composition that is analyzed along with unknown sample(s) in order to evaluate the performance of an analytical procedure
A sample used as a quality control measure to demonstrate that the system is working to an optimum level and/or that the integrity of the analytical process is maintained. Material of established origin that is used to evaluate the performance of a test or comparison. A test with an expected positive or negative result often used to confirm the reliability of the method being used.
Samples of known type, run in parallel with experimental, reference, or evidence samples that are used to demonstrate that a procedure is working correctly.
Material of established origin used to evaluate the performance of a test or comparison. Or A test performed to demonstrate that a test method works correctly and to ensure that data are valid. Positive controls confirm that the procedure will produce the expected result. Negative controls confirm that the procedure does not produce an unintended result.
In facial identification, a photographic image captured in accordance with facial identification (FI) or facial recognition (FR) standards or guidelines (for example, a drivers license photo)
In facial identification, a photographic image captured in accordance with facial identification (FI) or facial recognition (FR) standards or guidelines (for example, a driver's license photo).
A presumed non-coding portion of the mitochondrial DNA molecule analyzed through DNA sequencing, which may be used to determine an individual's mitochondrial haplotype or for taxonomic discrimination. The control region often contains hypervariable regions (in humans: HV1 and HV2) that differ in sequence among non-maternally related individuals. The control region encompasses the D-loop region in humans and other species.
A presumed non-coding portion of the mitochondrial DNA molecule analyzed through DNA sequencing, which may be used to determine an individual's mitochondrial haplotype or for taxonomic discrimination. The control region often contains hypervariable regions (in humans: HV1 and HV2) that differ in sequence among non-maternally related individuals. The control region encompasses the D-loop region in humans and other species.
Material of established origin that is used to evaluate the performance of a test or comparison
material of established origin that is used to evaluate the performance of a test or comparison.
DISCUSSION—A control sample should not be confused with a comparison sample. For example, in fire debris, a control sample could include an empty can from the same lot as that used to collect samples.
An experiment/training/testing exercise in which any defined variable(s) is consistent within specific parameters.