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Topic Area
Displaying 1301 - 1325 of 1616

Roadmapping R&D

PSCR is developing multiple technology roadmaps that present the highest-priority technological trends, capabilities, gaps, and R&D opportunities facing public safety over the next 20 years. Each PSCR roadmap focuses on a specific emerging technology sector that has the potential to greatly increase


The Intelligent Systems Division of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) experimented with a variety of applications for the NIST RoboCrane. The RoboCrane design utilizes the basic idea of the Stewart Platform parallel link manipulator. The unique feature of the NIST approach is

Robotic Systems Interoperability and Integration

Objective: Enable manufacturers to quickly and easily put together robotic assembly systems with human-like capabilities using interoperable components, by delivering an analysis, information model, protocol, reference implementation, test methods, and tools. Technical Idea: Making it easier for

Robotic Systems for Smart Manufacturing Program

Due to their inherent flexibility and reusability, robotic systems are an essential tool in strengthening U. S. manufacturing competitiveness by enabling dramatically greater responsiveness and innovation. To attain these gains, robotic systems need to be highly-capable, perceptive, dexterous, and

Robust Inter-Domain Routing

Today’s global Internet is comprised of roughly 800,000 distinct destinations interconnected by 60,000 enterprise and Internet Service Provider (ISP) networks. The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is the “glue” that enables the modern Internet, by exchanging reachability information about each

Robust Structural Systems for Multi-Hazard Mitigation

Objective - Develop performance-based design methods for structural systems to achieve robustness against multiple hazards, including extreme winds and disproportionate collapse. What is the new technical idea? The new technical idea is to develop and demonstrate effective strategies for

Rydberg Atom-based Quantum RF Field Probes

Calibrated radio frequency (RF) electric field probes and antennas are currently limited by a complex, indirect traceability path and require a complex calibration – which presents a chicken-and-egg dilemma. Probes must be calibrated by placing them in a known electric field, while a precisely known

Safety of Building Occupants Project

Objective: By 2016 1, to develop the framework for a model that will predict the evacuation decision-making of occupants in a building fire. This model will improve the accuracy of egress modeling tools used in performance-based design (PBD) of buildings. What is the new technical idea? To develop a

Safety and Security Technologies

The safety and security of citizens is enhanced when law enforcement and criminal justice agencies and the military use the appropriate and properly performing equipment and technologies. To ensure these entities have the necessary equipment, the STG conducts and performs research to advance these

Safety-Related Usability Framework

NIST, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) are collaborating on a multi-year research program aimed at building a principled framework for measuring the usability of health IT systems. The ultimate

Sample Tracking and Analytical Reporting (STAR)

STAR (formerly known as Marine STAR) will develop a web-based interface to provide easy access to sample information from the NIST Biorepository. Information will include, but is not limited to, sample availability, chemical analysis status and results, and links to publications. Metadata associated

SARS-CoV-2 Research Grade Test Material

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Institute of Standards and Technology released a synthetic RNA material for SARS-CoV-2 in June 2020. The goal was to rapidly produce a material to support molecular diagnostic testing applications. This material, referred to as Research Grade Test

Scanning Probe Microscopy for Advanced Materials and Processes

With a nanometer-sharp probe capable of delicate interaction with a limitless array of materials, SPM methods such as Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) can aid in characterizing a wide range of materials in diverse environments from vacuum to biological serums. The atomic force microscope is operated in

Scanning Probe Microscopy Calibrations and Standards

The Nanomechanical Properties Group has expertise in a wide variety of SPM techniques, especially atomic force microscopy (AFM); however, the main research thrust for the Group’s standards project area deals with accurate cantilever stiffness calibration and the use and development of AFM methods

Scanning-electron microscopy

Nanoscale measurements provide necessary feedback for the fabrication of nanoscale structures. However, achieving subnanometer uncertainty is challenging for even the best microscope systems. The challenge is even greater for three-dimensional nanostructures, which often require measurement of

Scientific Workflow

Digitally capturing the "scientific workflow" will be a key component to modernizing scientific data management. Defined in this context, a scientific workflow is the encapsulation of all processes and accompanying relevant data necessary to reproduce and validate an experiment. Thus, a workflow

Scope and Working Group Structure

Summary: The US TAG assumes a mirror structure to ISO/TC 276. As each member country has one vote within ISO/TC 276, the US vote is determined by the consensus position of US TAG members. Scope: The scope of ISO/TC 276 is standardization in the field of biotechnology processes including the


SCOUT (Scalable Object Understanding Technology) is a software system that finds all objects of interest in an entire microscope slide and provides various quality assurance metrics. It is designed to detect objects of size ~100 2 pixels in very large (~ 100K x 50K pixels) 10x magnification

SDO/EVE/ESP Calibration

The SDO satellite is the first mission in NASA's Living With a Star program, which aims to understand the connections between the Sun and Earth. In addition to the light and heat with which we are familiar, the Sun produces x-ray radiation, extreme ultraviolet light, and the solar wind which

Seabird Tissue Archival and Monitoring Project (STAMP)

Seabirds are an important group of upper trophic-level marine organisms with potential for accumulating lipophilic contaminants. Analyses of seabird tissues, particularly eggs, have played important roles in temporal and spatial environmental monitoring of persistent organic pollutants (POPs—e.g

Searching the ICSD for new functional materials from first principles

The combination of increased computing power and the improvement and streamlining of numerical techniques over the past decade have allowed for high quality first principles density functional theory calculations to be routinely performed on large numbers of compounds. This computational power, when

Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Ion Source Development

In SIMS, a typical analysis requires <1% of the surface to be sampled, which minimizes chemical damage in the form of molecular fragmentation due to energetic ion bombardment. Cluster sources such as C 60 and Ar GCIB allow for efficient removal of the damage volume, and by operating the analysis and

Security: Air-Kerma Measurements in High Energy X-ray Beams

X rays are used for imaging the contents of vehicles and cargo. Because of the need to penetrate through the thickness of the wall of containers and vehicles in addition to the objects contained within, these systems rely on the use of penetrating radiation such as high energy megavoltage x rays

Security (Archive): Neutron Detector Replacement Program

This course of action has included an intense sequence of tests of alternative technologies performed at the Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Nevada National Security Site. NIST has been integral to all phases of these testing programs, including evaluation of submitted detectors, design and