The Chemical Process and Nuclear Measurement Group (CPNMG) performs state-of-the-art chemical and physical measurements to provide reference data, develop standards and models, and advance fundamental chemical measurement science. The CPNMG performs research to elucidate reaction mechanisms and time-dependent phenomena; for example, the measurement of rate constants, transport properties, and the transformation of complex chemical systems by investigating composition, electronic and structural properties as they relate to chemical and physical functions. The group compiles, critically evaluates, and disseminates reference methods, data, and Standard Reference Materials. Additionally, the group maintains facilities and expertise in nuclear methods for elemental analysis in collaboration with the NIST Center for Neutron Research and external partners. The research focuses on areas of national and industrial needs such as those related to energy, manufacturing, security, and the environment. Group members are engaged with international standards development organizations and other National Metrology Institutes to establish comparability of measurement capabilities.