Below is a list of quick links to each of the 2017 MML Accolades for Organizational Excellence where each accolade is described and a list of the awardees and their contributions are provided.
To recognize an MML staff member or Associate who has played a significant role in the support and guidance of other staff members.
For passionate and selfless mentoring of post-doctoral fellows and graduate students resulting in numerous publications and presentations while transferring knowledge and ensuring credit to his mentees
For dedication and excellence in mentoring young scientists at all education levels resulting in high caliber research and publications, and retention of the students in science fields
For synergistic championing, encouraging, and carefully guiding post-doctoral fellows resulting in hosting of professional symposiums, interdisciplinary collaborations and publications furthering mentees’ careers
To recognize MML staff members and Associates who played a significant role in educational outreach to the community.
For extraordinary volunteer effort identifying and organizing over 80 scientists to lead sessions in the NIST Adventure In Science program each Saturday morning for 20 weeks in 2015 and 2016, as well as personally teaching a session most Saturdays
(The team above) For developing and leading a week-long training course on isotope dilution-mass spectrometry in clinical measurements for staff from six National Metrology Institutes
To recognize MML staff members and Associates, as well as those in other OUs, who have made MML a better place to work, have gone the extra mile to help MML staff ‘get the job done,’ or who have streamlined processes to make MML operate more efficiently.
For creating an infrastructure that bridges multiple institutions and for providing administrative support for the NIST staff at the Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology Research (IBBR) enabling the scientists to focus on their research
For timely and exceptional effort that prevented significant damage to government equipment and saved the research of partner institutions at the Hollings Marine Laboratory (HML) in the wake of Hurricane Matthew
For seamlessly rectifying issues with compressed gas and cryogen needs at the Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology Research (IBBR) resulting in improved safety and significant time and cost savings
For innovative IT solutions and exceptional support for MML scientists that saved time and money and contributed to scientific success
To recognize those in MML who serve with distinction in professional organizations that further the NIST mission.
For fostering an ecosystem within the American Chemical Society that allows NIST scientists to engage customers, exchange information, disseminate technical output, and educate students in ways that advance the NIST mission
For national leadership in the Analytical Chemistry Division of the American Chemical Society in developing graduate student programs to develop the nation’s future scientific leaders and increasing NIST’s national scientific prominence