Below is a list of quick links to each of the 2021 MML Accolades for Organizational Excellence where each accolade is described and a list of the awardees and their contributions are provided.
To recognize those in MML or at NIST who have gone above and beyond in serving MML staff, associates, and/or stakeholders in their administrative roles or through an administrative function.
For exemplary administrative support as Supervisory Division Office Manager for the Applied Chemicals and Materials Division. Specifically for swift and effective administrative management surrounding the Marshall Fire and commendable customer service during staff shortages and ongoing COVID-19 challenges.
For supporting the Applied Genetics Group with bank card ordering while Division 645 was undergoing administrative support staffing changes.
To recognize, encourage, and reward safety-related leadership, innovation, preventative or corrective actions, or the implementation of best practices in MML.
For creating a Laboratory Operations (Lab Ops) group in the Applied Genetics Group that has transformed safety and laboratory workflow and for leading bimonthly meetings to discuss and resolve laboratory issues and concerns.
For fast and effective re-opening of labs during COVID.
To recognize an MML staff member or associate who has played a significant role in the support and guidance of others at NIST including students and postdocs.
For providing outstanding mentorship to junior staff and postdoctoral fellows in NIST microbial metrology.
For exceptional mentorship of postdocs, peers, and leaders at NIST in research planning, execution, dissemination, and developing strategic partnerships.
For excellence in mentorship and support of an early career scientist.
For the exceptional mentorship of early career, postdoctoral, and graduate student researchers in vapor pressure measurements by dynamic vapor microextraction (DVME), vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) through nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and a new IMS for acoustic spectroscopy research.
To recognize MML staff members and associates who played a significant role in educational outreach to the community.
For significant leadership in the field of mass spectrometry-based proteomics through delivery of nationally recognized short-courses in protein bioinformatics, co-chairing the regional mass spectrometry discussion group and improving the utility of NIST reference data by developing the 'Hybrid Search' algorithm.
For her critical role in producing high-value workshops and NIST reports for the Circular Economy Program, including a Congressionally-mandated report, and a joint workshop with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).
To recognize those in MML who serve with distinction in professional organizations that further the NIST mission.
For integrating rigorous measurement standards into the metabolomics community and for making metabolomics accessible to early career scientists through dedicated service as vice president of the Metabolomics Association of North America.
To recognize MML staff members and associates, as well as those in other OUs, who have made MML a better place to work, have gone the extra mile to help MML staff ‘get the job done,’ or who have streamlined processes to make MML operate more efficiently.
For providing exceptional human resources support to the NIST research program at IBBR through hiring and management of IBBR personnel, management of IBBR appointments for NIST staff and visitors and outstanding leadership of IBBR student internship programs.
For outstanding technical support in developing and implementing laboratory automation protocols that resulted in a continued, high level of experimental achievement through the Covid pandemic.
For outstanding support of MML Leadership in the direction and performance of critical personnel actions.
For outstanding multi-year support of complex procurement and agreements enabling MML to begin biomanufacturing standards activities with the NISTCHO material. *not pictured
For developing the MML Metrology Quick Start Guide, a collaboratively-developed resource applicable to all in our pursuit of excellence in measurement science.*not pictured