The conference will feature the following invited speakers:
Steve Eckel, NIST, “Quantum-based measurement of ultra-high vacuum using cold atoms”
Tom Rubin, PTB, “Optical cavity pressure standards”
Frank Härtig, PTB, “Digital transformation in metrology (Digital SI, digital certificates)”
Karl Jousten, PTB, “Accurate high vacuum measurement by means of a novel standardized ion gauge”
Sarah White, MKS Instrument “Introduction of optical pressure measuring instruments to the industry”
Giovanni Garberoglio, European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and related areas, “Ab-initio calculations for the highly-accurate determination of the virial expansion of pressure and dielectric constant”
Wladimir Sabuga, PTB, “Recent research results on piston gauges”
R. Högström, VTT, “Dynamic pressure measurement”
Marcy Stutzman, Jefferson Lab - National Accelerator Facility, “XHV Measurement needs and applications in accelerators”
More speakers to be announced!