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Model-Based Enterprise Summit 2020


The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) planned to host the 11th Model-Based Enterprise Summit (MBE 2020) March 31 through April 2, 2020, at NIST’s main campus in Gaithersburg, Maryland. The event was on target for another year of attendance growth, reflecting continued strong interest in MBE and the value of the MBE Summit as a center of knowledge exchange and learning for the MBE community. Due, however, to cancellations by attendees and to guidance from State and Local health authorities on the outbreak of COVID-19, NIST organizers were not able to go forward with the event.

The goal of the MBE Summit is to identify challenges, research, implementation issues, and lessons learned in design, manufacturing, quality assurance, and sustainment of products and processes where a digital three-dimensional (3D) model of the product serves as the authoritative information source for all activities in a product's lifecycle. The theme of the MBE Summit 2020 was Increasing MBE Adoption and Implementation.  There is no doubt that MBE requires a complex organizational work design that recognizes the interaction between people, skills, and technology in workplaces. The 11th MBE Summit focused on highlighting the organizational culture surrounding MBE, needs of people operating in MBE, and real-world implementations of MBE in practice.

View the originally planned event program (with speakers and abstracts) at: is external)


 Summit Proceedings: is external)

Plenary Session Presentations

Sascha Harrell (Purdue University, United States)
Manufacturing Talent Pipeline Perceptions Gap (K-12); Improving the Knowledge and Practice of Industry and Education in Manufacturing Career Pathways

Ercenk Keresteci (Microsoft, United States)
Extracting actionable insights from IoT data

Saigopal Nelaturi (PARC, United States)
FIELDS: Unifying generative design, manufacturing planning, and multi-level representation for next generation products

Michael Raphael (Direct Dimensions, United States)
Solving Problems with Metrology: 3D scanning across a broad range of industries

Ryan Kuhns (NNSA, DOE, United States)
NNSA Model-based Enterprise Transition Intiative (MBET-I) Pilots

Dr. Shreyes Melkote (Georgia Institute of Technology, United States)
Systems and Data-Driven Manufacturability Computation Framework

Tracy Frost (U.S. Department of Defense, United States)
DoD MANTECH and Manufacturing USA

Michael Sharp (National Institute of Standards and Technology, United States)
Recognizing and Avoiding Common Pitfalls of AI Development

Sara Fuller (Mississippi State University - Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems Extension, United States)
Creation and Applications of a Manufacturability Assessment Tool

Douglas Thomas (National Institute of Standards and Technology, United States)
Model Based Enterprise: Costs and Benefits for Discrete Manufacturing

Richard Eckenrode (Elysium Inc, United States)
Critical Skills within the Supply Chain. (Life in the lower tiers of the industrial supply Chain.)
Paper: is external)


Business and Skills Breakout Presentations

Robert Reaume (Naval Surface Warfare Center Philadelphia Division, United States)
Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE): Approach for Battery Management System (BMS) Interface Design
Paper: is external)

Ashley Yarbrough (Auburn University, United States)
The Digital Transformation Gap Widens Between OEMs and SMMs
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Matthew Bowden (Johns Hopkins University, United States)
The Cost of Enabling the Digital Thread
Paper: is external)

Curtis Brown (Kansas City National Security Campus, United States)
A next-Generation Model-Based Enterprise Maturity Index
Paper: is external)


Technology Breakout Presentations

Russell Waddell (AMT-The Association for Manufacturing Technology, United States)
Capability Modeling for Smart Manufacturing Standards Development
Paper: is external)

Theo Tryfonas (University of Bristol, UK)
Model-Based Cybersecurity Engineering for Connected and Automated Vehicles: the FLOURISH Project
Paper: is external)

Evan Kessick (GE Appliances, a Haier company, United States)
Consequences of Non-Semantic PMI
Paper: is external)

Masatomo Inui (Ibaraki University, Japan)
Visualizing Thickness and Clearance of 3D Objects
Paper: is external)

Senthil Chandrasegaran (University of California, Davis, United States)
Using Text Visualization to Aid Analysis of Machine Maintenance Logs
Paper: is external)

Kamran Goher (Cranifeld University, UK)
Trends in Model-Based Definition Based Assembly Information for High-Value Manufacturing
Paper: is external)

Radu Pavel (TechSolve, United States)
Using Text Analytics Solutions with Small to Medium Sized Manufacturers: Lessons Learned
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Teodor Vernica (NIST, United States)
Leveraging standard geospatial representations for industrial augmented reality
Paper: is external)

Manas Bajaj (InterCAX, United States)
Syndeia - Building an open digital thread for model-based engineering

Frank Abdi (AlphaSTAR Corporation, United States)
AM Part Qualification by ICME Analysis and Real Time NDE Monitoring
Paper: is external)

Jerome Szarazi (Digital Weavers, UK)
Machine-Readable Physics to Improve Collaboration and Process Management for Design Simulation
Paper: is external)

Daniel Abernathy (Auburn University, United States)
Modular Open-Source Machine Monitoring Tool
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Hiromasa Suzuki (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Automation of noncontact measurement processes based on MBD
Papoer: is external)

Philip Jennings (HII-Newport News Shipbuilding, United States)
Minimum Standardized Content to Enable a Navy Digital Enterprise (Defining OEM to Navy Data Exchange Standards)
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Culture Breakout Presentations

Jessica Knizhnik (NASA, United States)
An Exploration of Lessons Learned from NASA’S MBSE Infusion and Modernization Initiative (MIAMI)
Paper: is external)

Daniel Seal (The Boeing Company, United States)
Accelerating the Model-Based Engineering Ecosystem Through Cultural Transformation
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Panel Discussions

Paul Koester (NAVSEA 06L, United States)
Samantha Alpert (NAVSEA 06L, United States)
Model Based Product Support (MBPS): Creating the Connection Between MBE and Product Support for the Navy

Charles Ditchendorf (CIMdata, Inc., United States)
MBE Adoption and Implementation: the View from the Bleeding Edge

Ben Kassel (LMI, United States)
An Introduction to Digital Technical Data
Paper: is external)

Theo Tryfonas (University of Bristol, UK)
Large Scale Systems Modelling for Infrastructure and Cities: Challenges and Opportunities
Paper: is external)



Created June 21, 2019, Updated May 6, 2020