Andras E. Vladar is a Project Leader in the Microsystems and Nanotechnology Division in the Physical Measurement Laboratory. His current research interests are computational SEM, developing methods to allow SEM work in a locally ultra-clean environment to make atomic level quantitative measurements possible and laser interferometry-based sub-nm accuracy beam positioning, including non-raster scanning of the electron beam. Andras is an author of several technical and scientific book chapters and over 100 papers on nanometer-scale scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic resolution three-dimensional measurements of particles, and of semiconductor and other devices. He has delivered numerous invited presentations and has been cooperating with scientists from across the world. He has successfully developed international documentary standards and standard artifacts. For his accomplishments, he has been awarded two D. Nyyssonen Metrology best paper awards of SPIE Advanced Lithography, a Nanotech Briefs Nano50 Technology Award, two R&D 100 Awards and two Dept. of Commerce Silver medals.