Our experienced staff leverage the latest cytometry technologies to develop innovative flow cytometry measurement solutions, standards, and reference materials to enable quantitative measurements of biological substances such as cells, extracellular vesicles/exosomes, proteins, viruses, and nucleic acids. We work with the manufacturers of calibration particles and instruments to enable the cytometer standardization and to achieve the detection limit smaller than 20-30 nm in diameter. We have measured 20 nm fluorescently labelled particles and 35 nm unstained particles. The NIST Flow Cytometry Lab is a state-of-the-art facility equipped with four different cytometer platforms.
Current Capabilities
| Cytoflex flow cytometers from Beckman Coulter
| Attune NxT from Thermo Fisher
| FACSAria II Sorter from BD Biosciences
| Amnis Imagestream MK II Flow Cytometer from Luminex
| Aurora Spectral Cytometer from Cytek