NIST Tandem Mass Spectral Library, 2023 release51,501 compounds60% increase over the 2020 release 399,267 precursor Ions 2.4 million spectra
Fragmentation methods 49,590 HRAM (high res accurate mass) compounds 51,292 QTOF, HCD, IT-HRAM, QqQ compounds 49,561 ion trap compounds (low res., up to MS4 ) 561 APCI HRAM “extractables and leachables” Precursor ion types 44,191 protonated 19,620 deprotonated 14,318 water/ammonia loss 44,547 other in-source generated Wide variety of compounds
Perfluorodecanoic Acid - PFAS
Neocurdione - Plant Volatile
Tribenoside - vasoprotective drug Naphthalene E&L, APCI Luteolin glucoside flavone Retinoic acid metabolite Fuc-GM1(d18:1/16:0) glycolipid and more Types of compounds and spectra
Pie chart of types of compounds and spectra found in NIST23
MS Interpreter Connect peaks to structures
Screenshot of MS Interpreter
Hybrid Search Identify compounds not in the library
NIST/EPA/NIH EI-MS Library, 2023 release394,054 electron ionization (EI) spectra 347,100 compounds, 46,954 replicate spectra 40,231 more compounds than NIST 20 491,790 retention index (RI) values 180,610 RI compounds – 40 K increase 153,472 compounds with both RI & MS Thousands of new compounds of analytical interest Measured at NIST, thoroughly evaluated
Loliolide plant metabolite
Gardenia amide flavor/fragrance
Human and plant metabolites Flavor/fragrance – food Drugs and their metabolites Forensics, toxins Pesticides – contaminants Industrial chemicals Petrochemicals Surfactants, lipids … and more
NISTMS.exe user interface
New compound selection process
New library building method Select compounds, measure spectra Organize by structure Multiple Evaluations MS Interpreter Hybrid Search